«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

ADC bought a patent for a miniature digital PCB, which it called the "Digital Angel" (i.e., computer, electronic). It sends and receives data and can be constantly tracked by global navigation satellites (GPS (US military satellite system). Once implanted in the forearm, the PN receives energy from the movement of the muscles and can be activated by the wearer or from the tracking device...

Dr. Peter Zhou, a leading implant scientist, said that the PCB sends a signal to the user to his computer or the company he deals with in order to verify his identity. In the future, Zhou says, computers may be programmed so that they won't turn on without such an ID. User-identification devices that require live fingerprint scanning are already being sold by computer manufacturers. A "digital angel" allows such biometric technology to take a giant step forward by physically connecting man and machine. But trading on the Internet is only one area of application of the Digital Angel. The patent for the PP describes its use to search for abducted children and missing persons. The PP can also monitor the user's pulse, blood pressure, and other bodily functions...

The developer of Digital Angel said that the demand for PP was huge... "We receive requests from all over the world every day," Zhou said, citing South America, Mexico and Spain as examples... At the same time, the firm received numerous complaints from Christians and others who believed that PCB was the embodiment of Bible prophecy. In the Revelation of St. John it is said that all people will have to receive the mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one will buy or sell except the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Rev. 13:16-17).

In an increasingly cashless society, where ID is critical to financial transactions, some Christians look at digital angel ID and the introduction of online commerce as a form of "mark of the beast." But Zhou brushes off such objections to PP... "The purpose of this device is to save lives and improve the quality of life... everything aimed at improving the quality of life comes from God..." he said.

Digital angel, according to Zhou, will become as widespread as vaccinations. "In 50 years, it will become extremely popular. 50 years ago, we didn't even dare to think about cell phones. And today they are everywhere."

"Like a cell phone, the Digital Angel will be your connection to the electronic world. He will become your guardian and protector. He will bring you good. We will become hybrids of electronic intelligence and our souls," Zhou concluded. ADS received a special "Technology Pioneer" award from the World Economic Forum 60 for its contribution "to comprehensive economic development and social progress through the development of technology." 61

Thus, the peoples of the world are offered a "tempting" prospect – everyone can become a hybrid of electronic intelligence and their own soul. The question, of course, is how the Creator, Who created man in His image and likeness, will look at this. However, one report from the Franklin Center for the Study of Legislation (USA) states: "A mandatory system of national identification through the implantation of microchips can be implemented in two stages: in the first stage, a voluntary system of implantation of microchips will be proposed. After getting acquainted with the procedure and its advantages, it will be possible to move on to mandatory implantation..." 62

It should be noted here that, using high technologies of the XXI century, with the help of a microchip, it is possible to manipulate human consciousness, creating phantoms of virtual reality. Back in the 80s of the last century, articles about psychotronic weapons appeared in the Soviet academic journal of the Cybernetics and Medicine series. Their author, Engineer-Colonel, Professor Georgy Bogdanov, wrote that in the brain there are crystals of semiconductor structures built by nature itself. Thanks to this, it is possible to transmit coded information to the brain, which causes an image, representation, visual associations, acoustic effects and behavioral reactions. 63

Recent studies have shown that it is possible to selectively affect certain centers of the cerebral cortex, in particular, the centers of pleasure and fear. Thus, the crown of creation, a free creative personality, turns into a bio-robot completely controlled by an automatically operating system. It is also not difficult to destroy this creature - at a certain point in time, you can give a signal that causes a spasm of the cerebral vessels or a disturbance of the heart rhythm...

There are a number of reports confirming this. In particular, a talented inventor from Samara, radio engineer Viktor Toporov discovered a way to introduce sound directly into the human brain through electrical contact with human skin. The point of contact (from the earlobe to the hand) has little to no effect on the subjective volume of the sound. Victor discovered a method for the code conversion of sound by the human hearing apparatus into electrical impulses circulating in the human nervous system. In practice, he introduced sound signals through the skin of his hand. Through his efforts, the general laws of signal coding in the human nervous system were discovered. This allows visual, tactile and other images to be introduced into the human brain through the skin. 64

In the West, many institutes and large laboratories have long been engaged in the development of such technologies. One of the latest achievements is the creation by British engineers of a dental implant capable of performing the functions of a mobile phone. It will be implanted into the tooth during a routine visit to the dentist "Sound enters the tooth through a digital radio signal, which is transmitted to the inner ear by bone resonance. Information transmitted in this way is heard only by one person – the one to whom it is addressed.

The new microchip was presented as part of a global program to create high-tech devices implanted in a living organism. The capabilities of this microchip open up wide prospects in the field of telecommunications. You can communicate wirelessly with any device: mobile phones, computers, printers, scanners... Global access is provided from anywhere in the world. In fact, this is wireless Internet!" 65

Recent research is aimed at creating microchips through which various sensations are transmitted that would connect people who are physically separated from each other. "There's nothing to stop you from shaking someone's hand over a computer network or making love," Pearson says. 66

Thus, through the implanted microchip, it is possible to impose any auditory, visual, tactile and other images on a person! This allows you to remotely control a person, that is, completely deprive him of the ability to think independently, make decisions and choose an independent course of action. Again, it is not the "shadow of enslaving constraint" that is evident, but the complete loss of God-given freedom...