«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Recent reports from a number of news agencies show that a real "attack" is being carried out in many of the world's leading laboratories aimed at detecting the various centers of the brain responsible for certain functions. Here are just some of the headlines of the articles:

"The Part of the Brain That Makes Decisions Has Been Found" 67

"The Part of the Brain Responsible for the Sense of Humor Has Been Found" 68

"It has been found that different parts of the brain are responsible for imagination and recognition" 69

"Scientists have found the part of the brain that is responsible for love" 70

"Fuses are implanted in the brain of rapists" 71

"A center of bad mood has been discovered in the brain" 72

"The pain center and the center of sensations and emotions in the brain have been discovered" 73

"The Center of Lies in the Brain Has Been Discovered" 74

"The center of depression has been discovered in the brain" 75 ...

There is no doubt that the ruling anti-Christian "elite of the world" is using the results of these studies for the purposes it needs – to create a planetary electronic concentration camp inhabited by human robots deprived of their own consciousness. These bestial creatures will be controlled through information networks – a new generation of media disinformation. This is evidenced by irrefutable documents...


In 1992, the "Information Convention of a Single World Locally Distributed Information and Cellular Community" was adopted, a new information and space civilization. This convention is a UN policy document that determines the development of the "world community" for the near future.

Behind the scientific-sounding title of the document, its occult essence is skillfully hidden, truly hostile to the Orthodox worldview. Here are just some excerpts from this "convention" with brief comments.