«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The current development of globalization processes is compared by many spirit-bearing men, in particular, the ascetics of the holy Mount Athos, with the construction of the new Tower of Babel. In addition to the above-mentioned Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller, we can name some of its "Freemasons": "Most of the global initiatives (including in Russia) are implemented with the money of the World Bank, whose president was Robert McNamara for a long time. Prior to that, during the Vietnam War, he served as US Secretary of Defense and became "famous" for the use of napalm, which burned entire villages along with their civilians. He was obsessed with the idea of destroying the "superfluous part" of humanity. He was a member of the satanic organization "Lucifer Trust". Subsequently, the Lucifer Trust somewhat disguised its name, renaming itself the Lucis Trust.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), who has worked hard in the fight against Christianity and the satanization of mass consciousness. He is still part of the same "Trust". He professes and zealously implants openly fascist views on the selection of people according to racial, national and religious principles. He promotes debauchery, including children's debauchery, abortion, sterilization. He violently attacks the Orthodox Church, declaring contraception as his religion. The Russian Family Planning Association (RAPS), which serves as a methodological center for reducing the birth rate in our country, is a branch of the IPPF. 28

Jacques Attali, another major globalist, was president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He developed the idea of a world state, calling such a world order "financial civilization". In his books, he proclaimed openly satanic ideas: the destruction of the family, the transformation of some people into a commodity (including "spare parts" and food!), others should constitute a nation of "new nomads" who have neither a homeland, nor a home, nor normal human attachments..."

The list can be continued, but it seems that the reader already understands the essence of the ideology of globalism. According to this monstrous "theory", due to a sharp decrease in the bioenergetic and mineral resource potential of the planet, it is necessary to reduce the world's population. The population of highly developed countries or the so-called "golden billion" should be reduced to 100 million people, and the rest of the world's population to 1 billion. Moreover, the latter is assigned the role of rightsless slaves who have no nationality, homeland and family.

A well-known researcher, a former British intelligence officer, Dr. John Coleman, warns humanity: "The open conspiracy against God and man, which includes the enslavement of most of the people left on this earth after wars, disasters and massacres, operates without much hiding... Billions of "useless eaters" – consumers of limited natural resources – must be culled and destroyed. Industrial programs promote population growth, hence the Genesis commandment to be fruitful and cultivate the land must be reversed. The inevitable consequence of this is the undermining of the foundations of Christianity, the steady destruction of the industrial nation-states. as well as the elimination of any leader who would dare to stand in the way of global planning..." 29.

A striking example of this is the assassinations of US President John F. Kennedy, Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, Pakistani President Ali Bhutto and other national leaders who refused to carry out the orders of the World Government to destroy the national economy, industry, science, education, reduce the population, destroy national identity and national traditions. It should be noted that the main builders of the new Babylon always remain in the shadows. These are the highest luciferites, who are personally seen by Satan and personally lead these demons. It is they who head the secret World Government, the main task of which is to prepare for the advent of a global dictator or Antichrist. Characters like Rockefeller, Sanger and others are only executors of their orders. This also includes various UN institutions and presidents of most states of the world (including the United States), which have long lost their independence. This was vividly described a few years ago by the famous psychic, personal consultant-psychologist of a number of the world's leading billionaires, Antonio Meneghetti: "Presidents are puppets in the wrong hands. Decisions are not made by Yeltsin, Clinton or Chirac – they no longer have power. The real economic power on this planet is wielded by those who, through the communication network of digital technology, control and change the entire economy as they see fit."30

In fact, presidents are servants of the World Government, obediently following the instructions of their puppeteers. Secret plans for the global reconstruction of the world are becoming increasingly difficult to conceal from peoples. For the time being, insidious lies, diluted with truisms, served as a smokescreen to conceal the real deeds of nominal heads of state. In 1991, U.S. President George H.W. Bush spoke hypocritically in Los Angeles: "This is a splendid idea: a new world order in which different peoples come together for a common cause, for the realization of the universal aspirations of mankind — peace and security, freedom and the rule of law. Only the United States has both the moral stamina and the means to sustain it."31

The satanic essence of the "new world order" was soon vividly demonstrated by the barbaric bombing of civilians in the cities and villages of Iraq, as a result of which the elderly, women and children died. Many of the survivors were left crippled. Then, following the instructions of the World Government, President Bush Sr. ordered the brutal murder of 150,000 Iraqi soldiers and officers returning to Iraq from the conflict zone with Kuwait in accordance with the Geneva Convention on Separation of Forces and Cessation of Hostilities. A column of military vehicles with white flags stretched for many kilometers. Imagine the horror of the Iraqi military as they were bombed and shot at point-blank range by American planes, waving white flags. There was nowhere to run — there was a desert all around... The operation of the US Armed Forces was called "Desert Storm".

Then it was the turn of Yugoslavia. It has been turned into a real testing ground for the development of technologies for building a "new world order". The course and results of this dirty war, which was waged by mercenaries of the World Government from NATO countries, is known to the whole world. It was a well-calculated mass murder, the spiritual meaning of which is quite obvious. The Orthodox shrines of the Serbian people were systematically destroyed – chapels, churches were blown up, monasteries were destroyed, cemeteries were desecrated, and during the days of Lent, bombs and missile warheads that destroyed shrines and residential areas were equipped with the inscription: "Happy Easter!"

Only grief has passed; behold, two more sorrows follow him. The sixth angel sounded, and I heard one voice from the four horns of the golden altar standing before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels bound by the great river Euphrates." And four angels were set free, prepared for an hour and a day, and a month, and a year, in order to kill a third part of the people (Rev. 9:12-15).

On March 20, 2003, a new invasion of US and British troops into the territory of the sovereign state of Iraq began. During the first three days of the war of aggression, more than 400 cruise missiles were fired at the cities of Iraq and more than 1000 combat sorties with deadly cargo were carried out. Many civilian objects were destroyed - orphanages, schools, hospitals, residential areas. Video footage of maimed civilians, most of whom are women and children, has once again gone around the world. Political and public figures in a number of countries have described the barbaric aggression as a crime against humanity. Thou shalt not kill (Deuteronomy 5:17; Matt. 5:21), says one of the most important commandments of God...

In the course of hostilities, the American command intends to test new types of weapons with increased destructive effect. On the first day of the war, U.S. Ambassador to Russia Alexander Vershbow declared: "We hope that all countries will learn from this military action..."

From this it is clear that in the near future any independent state that refuses to comply with the conditions of the World Government may find itself in the position of Iraq. However, the insidious plans of the unspoken "masters of the world" include not only open power dictates...