30 For thou hadst little before me, but thou hast become much; The Lord has blessed you with my coming; When will I work for my home?

31 And Laban said, 'What shall I give you?' And Jacob said to him, Give me nothing. If only thou wilt do unto me what I say, I will again shepherd and guard thy sheep.

32 I will pass through all thy flock to-day; and thou shalt separate from it every speckled cattle and spotted, and every black beast of the sheep, and also with spots and speckled goats. Such cattle shall be my reward [and shall be mine].

33 And my justice shall speak for me before thee, in the next time, when thou comest to see my reward. Every goat is not speckled or spotted, and every sheep is not black, it is stolen from me.

34 And Laban said to him, 'Very well, let it be according to your word.'

35 And in that day he separated the goats that were motley and spotted, and all the goats speckled and spotted, all that had a few white on them, and all the black sheep, and gave them into the hands of his sons.

36 and he appointed the distance between himself and between Jacob for three days' journey. And Jacob tended the rest of Laban's flocks.

37 And Jacob took fresh twigs of poplar, almond, and sycamore, and carved white stripes on them, stripping the bark until it was white, which was on the rods,

38 And he laid the twigs with the cuts before the cattle in the watering troughs, where the cattle came to drink, and where, when they came to drink, they conceived before the twigs.

39 И зачинал скот пред прутьями, и рождался скот пестрый, и с крапинами, и с пятнами.

40 И отделял Иаков ягнят и ставил скот лицем к пестрому и всему черному скоту Лаванову; и держал свои стада особо и не ставил их вместе со скотом Лавана.

41 Каждый раз, когда зачинал скот крепкий, Иаков клал прутья в корытах пред глазами скота, чтобы он зачинал пред прутьями.

42 А когда зачинал скот слабый, тогда он не клал. И доставался слабый скот Лавану, а крепкий Иакову.

43 И сделался этот человек весьма, весьма богатым, и было у него множество мелкого скота [и крупного скота], и рабынь, и рабов, и верблюдов, и ослов.