5 И пришли слуги царя Езекии к Исаии,

6 и сказал им Исаия: так скажите господину вашему: так говорит Господь: не бойся слов, которые ты слышал, которыми поносили Меня слуги царя Ассирийского.

7 Вот Я пошлю в него дух, и он услышит весть, и возвратится в землю свою, и Я поражу его мечом в земле его.

8 И возвратился Рабсак, и нашел царя Ассирийского воюющим против Ливны, ибо он слышал, что тот отошел от Лахиса.

9 И услышал он о Тиргаке, царе Ефиопском; ему сказали: вот, он вышел сразиться с тобою. И снова послал он послов к Езекии сказать:

10 так скажите Езекии, царю Иудейскому: пусть не обманывает тебя Бог твой, на Которого ты уповаешь, думая: «не будет отдан Иерусалим в руки царя Ассирийского».

11 Ведь ты слышал, что сделали цари Ассирийские со всеми землями, положив на них заклятие, — и ты ли уцелеешь?

12 Did the gods of the nations, whom my fathers destroyed, save them? Did Gozan, and Haran, and Rezef, and the sons of Eden that are in Phalassar, save them?

13 Where is king Hamath, and king of Arpad, and king of the city of Separvaim, and of Hena, and of Ivba?

14 And Hezekiah took the letter out of the hand of the ambassadors, and read it, and went to the house of the Lord, and Hezekiah unrolled it before the Lord,

15 And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord, saying, 'O Lord God of Israel, who sits on the cherubim! Thou art the only God of all the kingdoms of the earth, Thou hast created the heavens and the earth.

16 Incline thy ear, O Lord, and hear me; Open Thy eyes, O Lord, and look, and hear the words of Sennacherib, who sent to revile the living God.

17 True, O Lord, the kings of Assyria have laid waste the nations and their lands,

18 and they cast their gods into the fire; but these are not gods, but the product of human hands, wood and stone; therefore they destroyed them.

19 And now, O Lord our God, deliver us out of his hand, and all the kingdoms of the earth shall know that thou, O Lord, art one God.

20 And Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, 'Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, 'The things which thou hast prayed unto me against Sennacherib king of Assyria, I have heard.'

21 This is the word which the Lord spake concerning him, 'The virgin daughter of Zion shall despise thee, and laugh at thee; after thee shall the daughter of Jerusalem shake her head.

22 Whom have you rebuked and reproached? And against whom hast thou lifted up thy voice, and lifted up thy eyes so high? On the Holy One of Israel!

23 Through thy messengers thou hast rebuked the Lord, and said, 'With a multitude of my chariots I went up to the height of the mountains, to the ribs of Lebanon, and I hewn down its tall cedars, its fine cypresses, and came to its most extreme abode, to the grove of its garden;

24 And I have dug up and drunk the water of others, and I will dry up all the rivers of Egypt with the feet of my feet."

25 Have you not heard that I have done these things long ago, that in ancient days I have ordained them, and now I have fulfilled them, that you lay waste the fortified cities, turning them into heaps of ruins?