5 Is this not the same of which my lord drinks, and he divineth therein? You did it badly.

6 He caught up with them and spoke these words to them.

7 And they said unto him, Why hath our lord spoken these words? No, your servants will not do such a thing.

8 Behold, the silver which we found in the opening of our sacks, we have brought back to thee from the land of Canaan: how then shall we steal silver or gold from thy master's house?

9 Whosoever of thy servants hath found [the cup], to him shall death, and we shall be servants to our master.

10 He said, "Very well; As you have said, so let it be: whoever has [the cup] will be my servant, and you will not be guilty.

11 They hurriedly lowered each of their sacks to the ground, and opened each of their sacks.

12 And he searched, beginning with the eldest, and ending with the younger; and the cup was found in the sack of Benjamin.

13 And they tore their garments, and every man put his burden on his donkey, and returned to the city.

14 And Judah and his brethren came to the house of Joseph, which was still at home, and fell down before him to the ground.

15 Joseph said to them, 'What have you done?' Didn't you know that a person like me would surely guess?

16 And Judas said, What shall we say to our master? What can I say? How to justify yourself? God has found the iniquity of thy servants; Behold, we are the servants of our master, both we and the one in whose hands the cup was found.

17 But [Joseph] said, "No, I will not do this; He in whose hands the cup was found shall be my servant, and you shall go in peace to your father.

18 And Judah came to him, and said, 'My lord, let thy servant speak a word in my master's ears, and be not angry with thy servant, for thou art the same as Pharaoh.'