15 Terrors rushed upon me; My greatness is scattered like the wind, and my happiness is carried away like a cloud.

16 And now my soul is poured out in me: the days of trouble have taken hold of me.

17 At night my bones ache within me, and my sinews have no rest.

18 With great difficulty my garments are taken from me; The edges of my tunic squeeze me.

19 He threw me into the mud, and I became like dust and ashes.

20 I call upon Thee, and Thou hearest not me, but standeth, and Thou only lookest upon me.

21 Thou hast become cruel to me, and with a mighty hand thou art enmity against me.

22 Thou hast lifted me up, and made me toss about in the wind, and thou hast crushed me.

E-23 Now, I know that You're going to bring me to death, and to the meeting house of all the living.

24 Surely He will not stretch out His hand against the house of the bones: shall they cry out at their destruction?

25 Did I not weep for him who was in the woe? Did not my soul grieve for the poor?

26 As I longed for good, evil came; As I waited for the light, darkness came.

27 My intestines boil and do not cease; Days of sorrow greeted me.

28 I walk blackened, but not of the sun; I stand up in the congregation and shout.

E-29 I've become a brother to jackals and a friend to ostriches.

30 My skin is black on me, and my bones are burned with heat.

31 And my zither became sad, and my pipe became a voice of lamentation.

Chapter 31

1 I have made a covenant with my eyes, that I should not think of a virgin.

2 What is my fate from God from on high? And what is the inheritance from the Almighty from heaven?

3 Is it not for the wicked to perish, and for him that doeth evil to attack?