1 Надежда тщетна: не упадешь ли от одного взгляда его?

2 Нет столь отважного, который осмелился бы потревожить его; кто же может устоять перед Моим лицем?

3 Кто предварил Меня, чтобы Мне воздавать ему? под всем небом все Мое.

4 Не умолчу о членах его, о силе и красивой соразмерности их.

5 Кто может открыть верх одежды его, кто подойдет к двойным челюстям его?

6 Кто может отворить двери лица его? круг зубов его — ужас;

7 крепкие щиты его — великолепие; они скреплены как бы твердою печатью;

8 One touches one another closely, so that the air does not pass between them;

9 One lies tightly with the other, interlocked and do not move apart.

10 From his sneezing there is light; his eyes are like the eyelashes of the dawn;

11 Out of his mouth come flames, and sparks of fire leap forth;

12 Smoke comes out of his nostrils, as out of a boiling pot or a cauldron.

13 His breath kindles the coals, and out of his mouth comes a flame.

14 On his neck dwelleth power, and terror runs before him.

15 The fleshy parts of his body are firmly knit together, they will not tremble.

16 His heart is hard as a stone, and hard as a millstone.

17 When he rises, the strong men are in fear, completely lost with terror.

18 The sword that toucheth him shall not stand, neither spear, nor javelin, nor armor.

19 Iron he counts for straw, copper for rotten wood.

20 The daughter of the bow shall not put him to flight; the slingstones turn into hymen for him.

21 A mace is reckoned with him as a straw; he laughs at the whistle of the dart.

22 Under him are sharp stones, and he lies on sharp stones in the mud.

23 He boileth the deep as a cauldron, and maketh the sea into boiling ointment;

24 He leaves behind him a shining path; The abyss seems gray.

25 There is none like him on earth; he was created fearless;

26 He looks boldly upon all that is lofty; He is king over all the sons of pride.

Chapter 42

1 And Job answered the Lord, saying,