17 Show Thy bright face to Thy servant; save me by Thy mercy.

18 Lord! let me not be ashamed that I call upon Thee; but let the wicked be ashamed, let them be silent in hell.

19 Let the lying lips be dumb, who speak evil against the righteous with pride and contempt.

20 How many good things hast thou had, which thou hast reserved for them that fear thee, and which thou hast prepared for them that trust in thee before the children of men!

21 Thou hist them under the veil of thy face from the rebellions of men, thou hast hidden them under the shadow from the strife of tongues.

22 Blessed be the Lord, that He hath shown me His wondrous mercy in the fortified city.

23 In my confusion I thought, I am cast out of thy sight; but Thou hast heard the voice of my prayer when I have cried unto Thee.

24 Love the Lord, all His righteous; The Lord preserves the faithful and rewards those who act haughtily more abundantly.

25 Be of good cheer, and let your heart be strong, all you who trust in the Lord. Psalm of David. Teaching.

Psalm 31

1 Blessed is he to whom iniquity is forgiven, and whose sins are covered!

2 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin, and in whose spirit there is no guile!

3 When I was silent, my bones grew old because of my daily groaning,

4 For day and night thy hand weighed upon me; my freshness disappeared as in a summer drought.

5 But I have made my sin known unto thee, and have not concealed my iniquity; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," and Thou hast taken away from me the guilt of my sin.

6 For this reason every righteous man shall pray unto thee in the time of need, and then the overflow of many waters shall not reach him.

7 Thou art my covering: Thou hast guarded me from sorrow, Thou hast surrounded me with the joys of deliverance.

8 "I will admonish thee, I will guide thee in the way in which thou shalt go; I will guide you, my eye is over you."

9 "Do not be like a horse, like a foolish hinny, whose jaws must be bridled with bridles and bits, so that they may obey you."

10 Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but mercy surrounds him that trusteth in the Lord.

11 Rejoice in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous; Rejoice, all ye who are upright in heart.