18 And this year passed; And they came to him the next year, and said unto him, Let us not conceal from our lord that the silver is exhausted, and that our lord's flocks of our cattle are exhausted. Nothing remains with us before our lord except our bodies and our lands;

19 Why should we perish in thy sight, both for us and for our lands? Buy us and our lands for bread, and we and our lands will be Pharaoh's servants, and you give us seed, so that we may live, and not die, and the earth may not be desolate.

20 And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh, because the Egyptians had sold every one of his fields, for famine was in their power. And the land went to Pharaoh.

21 And he made the people slaves from one end of Egypt to the other.

22 Only [Joseph] did not buy the lands of the priests, for the priests were given a piece of land from Pharaoh, and they lived on their own land, which Pharaoh had given them. therefore they did not sell their land.

23 And Joseph said to the people, 'Behold, I have now bought you and your land for Pharaoh; here are the seeds for you, and sow the earth;

24 And when the harvest comes, give a fifth part to Pharaoh, and the four portions shall be left unto you for the sowing of the fields, for the sustenance of you, and of those who are in your houses, and for the sustenance of your children.

25 And they said, 'You have saved our lives; let us find mercy in the sight of our master, and let us be servants of Pharaoh.

26 And Joseph made it a law in the land of Egypt, even to this day, that the fifth part should be given to Pharaoh, except only the land of the priests, which did not belong to Pharaoh.

27 И жил Израиль в земле Египетской, в земле Гесем, и владели они ею, и плодились, и весьма умножились.

28 И жил Иаков в земле Египетской семнадцать лет; и было дней Иакова, годов жизни его, сто сорок семь лет.

29 И пришло время Израилю умереть, и призвал он сына своего Иосифа и сказал ему: если я нашел благоволение в очах твоих, положи руку твою под стегно мое и клянись, что ты окажешь мне милость и правду, не похоронишь меня в Египте,

30 дабы мне лечь с отцами моими; вынесешь меня из Египта и похоронишь меня в их гробнице. Иосиф сказал: сделаю по слову твоему.

31 И сказал: клянись мне. И клялся ему. И поклонился Израиль на возглавие постели.