22 because they did not believe in God, and did not trust in his salvation.

23 He commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven,

24 And he rained manna on them for food, and gave them the bread of heaven.

25 The bread of angels was eaten by man; He sent them food until they were satisfied.

26 And he stirred up the east wind in heaven, and brought the south wind with his power

27 And he rained flesh upon them like dust, and birds of feathers like the sand of the sea:

28 He cast them down in the midst of their camp, near their dwellings,

29 and they ate and were satisfied; and he gave them what they desired.

30 But their whim was not yet gone, food was still in their mouths,

31 The wrath of God came upon them, and slew them that were fat, and brought down the young men of Israel.

32 With all this, they continued to sin and did not believe in His miracles.

33 And he wasted their days in vanity, and their years in confusion.

34 And when he was killing them, they sought him, and turned to him, and from early morning they ran to God,

35 and they remembered that God is their refuge, and the Most High God is their Deliverer,

36 And they flattered him with their mouths, and lied with their tongues before him;

37 but their heart was unjust before him, and they were not faithful to his covenant.

38 But he, the Most Merciful, forgave sin, and did not destroy them, and many times turned away his wrath, and did not stir up all his wrath:

E-39 He remembered that they were flesh, a breath that goes away and doesn't come back.

40 How many times did they provoke him to anger in the wilderness, and provoke him to anger in a land uninhabited!

41 and again they tempted God, and insulted the Holy One of Israel,

42 they did not remember his hand, the day when he delivered them from oppression,