50 He made the path of His wrath straightened, He did not keep their souls from death, and gave up their cattle to pestilence.

51 He smote every firstborn in Egypt, the firstfruits of strength in the tents of Ham;

52 And he led his people like sheep, and led them like a flock into the wilderness.

53 He led them safely, and they were not afraid, but the sea covered their enemies;

54 And he brought them into his holy province, to this mountain, which his right hand had gained;

55 And he drove out the nations before them, and divided their land for their inheritance, and he dwelt the tribes of Israel in their tents.

56 But they still tempted and grieved the Most High God, and did not keep his statutes;

57 they turned away and changed like their fathers, turned back like a wrong bow;

58 they grieved him with their high places, and with their idols they stirred up his jealousy.

59 Услышал Бог и воспламенился гневом и сильно вознегодовал на Израиля;

60 отринул жилище в Силоме, скинию, в которой обитал Он между человеками;

61 и отдал в плен крепость Свою и славу Свою в руки врага,

62 и предал мечу народ Свой и прогневался на наследие Свое.

63 Юношей его поедал огонь, и девицам его не пели брачных песен;

64 священники его падали от меча, и вдовы его не плакали.

65 Но, как бы от сна, воспрянул Господь, как бы исполин, побежденный вином,

66 и поразил врагов его в тыл, вечному сраму предал их;

67 и отверг шатер Иосифов и колена Ефремова не избрал,

68 а избрал колено Иудино, гору Сион, которую возлюбил.

69 И устроил, как небо, святилище Свое и, как землю, утвердил его навек,

70 и избрал Давида, раба Своего, и взял его от дворов овчих