17 Show me a sign for good, that they that hate me may see and be ashamed, for thou, O Lord, hast helped me, and comforted me.

Psalm 86

1 The sons of Korah. Psalm. Canto.

2 His foundation is on the mountains of saints. The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the villages of Jacob.

3 Glorious things are proclaimed of thee, O city of God!

4 I will mention to those who know me about Rahab and Babylon; behold, the Philistines, and Tyre, and Ethiopia, will say, 'So-and-so was born there.'

5 And of Zion it will be said, 'So-and-so a man was born in it, and the Most High himself strengthened him.'

6 The Lord will write in the census of the nations: "So-and-so was born there."

7 And they that sing and play, all my springs are in thee.

Psalm 87

1 Ode. Psalm, of the Sons of Korah. To the head of the choir on Mahalaf, for singing. The teaching of Eman Ezrahit.

2 O Lord, God of my salvation! I cry out by day and by night before Thee:

3 Let my prayer be heard before Thee; incline thy ear unto my supplication;

4 For my soul is filled with afflictions, and my life is near to hell.

5 I am made equal to them that descend into the grave; I have become like a man without strength,

6 Cast among the dead, as the slain, lying in the grave, of whom Thou rememberest no more, and which are rejected by Thy hand.

7 Thou hast laid me in the pit of hell, in darkness, in the abyss.

8 Thy wrath hath weighed upon me, and with all thy waves thou hast smitten.

9 Thou hast put away from me my acquaintances, hast made me an abomination to them; I'm imprisoned, and I can't get out.

10 My eye is weary with grief: all day long I have cried unto thee, O Lord, I have stretched out my hands unto thee.

11 Wilt thou work a miracle over the dead? Will the dead rise up and praise You?