12 Or shall thy mercy be proclaimed in the grave, and thy truth in a place of corruption?

13 Shall Thy wonders be known in darkness, and Thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness?

14 But I call upon thee, O Lord, and early in the morning my prayer precedes thee.

15 Wherefore, O Lord, dost thou cut off my soul, hid thy face from me?

16 I am miserable, and have been faint since my youth; I bear Thy terrors and faint.

17 Thy wrath has passed over me, Thy terrors have crushed me,

18 All day long they surround me like water: they encircle me all together.

19 Thou hast removed from me a friend and a sincere one; I can't see my acquaintances.

Psalm 88

1 Учение Ефама Езрахита.

2 Милости [Твои], Господи, буду петь вечно, в род и род возвещать истину Твою устами моими.

3 Ибо говорю: навек основана милость, на небесах утвердил Ты истину Твою, когда сказал:

4 «Я поставил завет с избранным Моим, клялся Давиду, рабу Моему:

5 навек утвержу семя твое, в род и род устрою престол твой».

6 And the heavens shall glorify thy wondrous works, O Lord, and thy truth in the assembly of the saints.

7 For who in heaven can be compared to the Lord? Who among the sons of God can be likened to the Lord?

8 God is terrible in the great assembly of the saints, he is terrible to all those around him.

9 O Lord God Almighty! who is as strong as You, O Lord? And Thy truth is round about Thee.

10 Thou hast dominion over the fury of the sea: when the waves thereof are heaved, Thou hast tamed them.

11 Thou hast cast down Rahab as one who was slain; with Thy mighty arm Thou hast scattered Thy enemies.

12 Thy heavens and thy earth; the world, and that which fills it, Thou hast founded.