1 The Prayer of Moses, the Man of God.
2 Lord! You are our refuge in generation and generation.
3 Before the mountains were born, thou didst form the earth and the world, and from everlasting to everlasting thou art God.
4 Thou dost bring man back to corruption, and say, [Return, O sons of men!]
5 For a thousand years are before Thy eyes, as the day of yesterday, when it was past, and as a watch in the night.
6 Thou hast carried them away like a flood; they are like a dream, like grass that grows in the morning, blooms and turns green in the morning, and is cut and withers in the evening;
7 for we perish from thy wrath, and from thy wrath we are troubled.
8 Thou hast set our iniquities before Thee, and our secrets before the light of Thy countenance.
9 All our days have passed in thy wrath; We lose our years like a sound.
The 10 days of our years are seventy years, and with greater strength, eighty years; and their best time is work and sickness, for they pass quickly, and we fly.
11 Who knoweth the strength of thy wrath, and thy wrath according to the measure of thy fear?
12 Teach us to number our days in such a way, that we may acquire a wise heart.
13 Turn away, O Lord! As long as? Have compassion on Thy servants.
14 Feed us early with thy mercy, and we shall rejoice and be glad all our days.
15 Rejoice us for the days in which thou hast smitten us, for the years in which we have seen calamity.
16 Let Thy work be manifested upon Thy servants, and Thy glory upon their sons;
17 и да будет благоволение Господа Бога нашего на нас, и в деле рук наших споспешествуй нам, в деле рук наших споспешествуй.
Псалом 90
[Хвалебная песнь Давида.]
1 Живущий под кровом Всевышнего под сенью Всемогущего покоится,
2 говорит Господу: «прибежище мое и защита моя, Бог мой, на Которого я уповаю!»