6 Righteousness preserves the blameless in the way, but wickedness destroys the sinner.

7 A man pretends to be rich, and he has nothing; another pretends to be poor, and he has a lot of wealth.

8 With his riches a man redeems his life, but the poor hear no threat.

9 The light of the righteous burneth with joy, but the lamp of the wicked is quenched. [The deceitful souls wander in sins, but the righteous have compassion and have mercy.]

10 From arrogance comes strife, but with those who consult wisdom.

11 Wealth is exhausted by vanity, but he who gathers it by labor increases it.

12 A hope that does not come true for a long time torments the heart, and a fulfilled desire is like a tree of life.

13 He that despises the word injures himself; but whoever fears the commandment is rewarded.

14 [The son of the evil one has nothing good, but the wise servant has prosperous works, and his way is upright.]

15 The teaching of the wise is the fountain of life, which removes from the snares of death.

16 A good understanding is pleasant, but the way of the wicked is cruel.

17 Everyone who is prudent works with knowledge, but a fool makes a show of foolishness.

18 A bad ambassador gets into trouble, but a faithful messenger is salvation.

19 Poverty and shame to him who rejects the doctrine; but he who observes the instruction will be honored.

20 A desire fulfilled is pleasant to the soul; but it is intolerable for fools to shun evil.

21 He who associates with the wise will be wise, but he who associates with fools will be corrupted.

22 Evil pursues sinners, but good is recompensed to the righteous.

23 The good man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren, but the riches of the sinner are reserved for the righteous.

24 There is plenty of bread even in the field of the poor; but some perish from disorder.

25 Whosoever spares his rod hates his son; and whoever loves him punishes him from childhood.

26 The righteous eat until he is satisfied, but the belly of the wicked suffereth deprivation.