28 A deceitful man sows discord, and an earpiece separates friends.

29 A man who is ill-intentioned destroys his neighbor, and leads him into the way of evil;

30 He squints his eyes to devise deceit; biting his lips, he commits an evil deed; [he is the furnace of malice].

31 The crown of glory is gray hair, which is in the way of righteousness.

32 He who is long-suffering is better than the valiant, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of a city.

33 Lots are cast in the floor, but the whole decision thereof is from the Lord.

Chapter 17

1 Better is a piece of dry bread, and peace with it, than a house full of slaughtered cattle, with strife.

2 A wise servant shall rule over a dissolute son, and shall divide the inheritance among the brethren.

3 The furnace is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, but the Lord tries hearts.

4 The wicked hearken to the mouth of the wicked, the liar hearken to the tongue of perniciousness.

5 Whoever mocks the poor blasphemes his Maker; he who rejoices in misfortune will not go unpunished [but the merciful will have mercy].

6 The crown of old men is the sons of sons, and the glory of children is their parents. [The faithful have a whole world of riches, and the infidel has no obol.]

7 Unbecoming to a fool is a great speech, much more a lying mouth to a nobleman.

8 A gift is a precious stone in the eyes of him who possesses it: wherever he turns, he will succeed.

9 He who covers up a transgression seeks love; and whoever reminds him of him again removes his friend.

10 A rebuke has a stronger effect on a wise man, than a hundred stripes on a fool.

11 The troublemaker seeks only evil; therefore, a cruel angel will be sent against him.

12 It is better for a man to meet a bear without children than a fool with his foolishness.

13 He that recompenseth good with evil, evil shall not depart from his house.

14 The beginning of a quarrel is like the breaking of water; leave the quarrel before it flares up.