15 He who justifies the wicked and accuses the righteous is both an abomination to the Lord.

16 Why is treasure in the hands of a fool? He has no reason to acquire wisdom. [He who makes his house high seeks to be broken; but he who deviates from the doctrine will fall into trouble.]

17 A friend loves at all times, and as a brother will appear in time of adversity.

18 A man of little understanding gives his hand, and vouches for his neighbor.

19 He who loves strife loves sin, and he who lifts up his gates high, he seeks to fall.

20 A deceitful heart shall find no good, and a wicked tongue shall fall into trouble.

21 A man who has begotten a fool is on his own grief, and the father of a fool will not rejoice.

22 A cheerful heart is good as medicine, but a dull spirit dries up the bones.

23 The wicked take a gift out of his bosom to pervert the ways of justice.

24 Wisdom is before the face of the prudent, but the eyes of a fool are at the end of the earth.

25 A foolish son is a vexation to his father, and a grief to his mother.

26 It is not good to accuse the righteous, nor to beat the nobles for righteousness' sake.

27 He who understands is temperate in his words, and he who is prudent is cool.

28 And a fool, when he is silent, may seem wise, and he that shuts his mouth may seem wise.

Chapter 18

1 A wayward man seeks whim, rebels against all that is intelligent.

2 A fool does not love knowledge, but only to show his understanding.

3 With the coming of the wicked cometh contempt, and with disgrace reproach.

4 The words of the mouth of men are deep waters; The source of wisdom is a flowing stream.

5 It is not good to be partial to the wicked, that he may overthrow the righteous in judgment.

6 The mouth of a fool goes into strife, and his words cause scourges.