9 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who tells a lie will perish.

10 It is unbecoming of a fool to be pompous, how much more to a servant to have dominion over princes.

11 Prudence makes a man slow to anger, and it is his glory to be lenient to transgressions.

12 The king's wrath is like the roar of a lion, and his favor is like dew on the grass.

13 A foolish son is a crush to his father, and a quarrelsome wife is a sewer.

14 A house and possessions are an inheritance from parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.

15 Slothfulness plunges into drowsiness, and a slothful soul will suffer hunger.

16 He who keeps the commandment keeps his life, but he who does not care about his ways will perish.

17 He that doeth good to the poor lends unto the Lord, and he shall repay him for his goodness.

18 Punish your son while there is hope, and do not be indignant at his cry.

19 Let him who is angry suffer chastisement, for if thou hast spared him, thou shalt have to chastise him all the more.

20 Listen to counsel and receive chastisement, that you may later become wise.

21 There are many plans in the heart of man, but only those appointed by the Lord will come to pass.

22 A man's joy is his charity, and a poor man is better than a liar.

23 The fear of the Lord brings to life, and whoever has it will always be satisfied, and evil will not come upon him.

24 A sluggard man puts his hand into the cup, and will not bring it to his mouth.

25 Если ты накажешь кощунника, то и простой сделается благоразумным; и если обличишь разумного, то он поймет наставление.

26 Разоряющий отца и выгоняющий мать — сын срамной и бесчестный.

27 Перестань, сын мой, слушать внушения об уклонении от изречений разума.

28 Лукавый свидетель издевается над судом, и уста беззаконных глотают неправду.

29 Готовы для кощунствующих суды, и побои — на тело глупых.