20 Даже и в мыслях твоих не злословь царя, и в спальной комнате твоей не злословь богатого; потому что птица небесная может перенести слово твое, и крылатая — пересказать речь твою.

Глава 11

1 Отпускай хлеб твой по водам, потому что по прошествии многих дней опять найдешь его.

2 Давай часть семи и даже восьми, потому что не знаешь, какая беда будет на земле.

3 Когда облака будут полны, то они прольют на землю дождь; и если упадет дерево на юг или на север, то оно там и останется, куда упадет.

4 Кто наблюдает ветер, тому не сеять; и кто смотрит на облака, тому не жать.

5 Как ты не знаешь путей ветра и того, как образуются кости во чреве беременной, так не можешь знать дело Бога, Который делает все.

6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening thou shalt not rest thy hand, for thou knowest not whether one or the other shall be more prosperous, or whether both shall be equally good.

7 Sweet is the light, and it is pleasant to the eyes to see the sun.

8 If a man live many years, let him rejoice during all of them, and let him remember the dark days, of which there will be many: all that will be is vanity.

9 Rejoice, young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart taste joy in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; only know that for all this God will bring you to judgment.

10 And put away sorrow from thy heart, and turn away evil from thy body: for childhood and youth are vanity.

Chapter 12

1 And remember thy Maker in the days of thy youth, until the days of trouble come, and the years come, of which thou shalt say, "I have no pleasure in them!"

2 Until the sun and the light and the moon and the stars were darkened, and new clouds were found after the rain.

3 In the day when those who guard the house tremble, and the men of power bend; and the grinders shall cease to grind, because there are few of them left; and those who look out of the window will be darkened;

4 And the doors of the street shall be shut; when the sound of the millstone is silenced, and a man rises at the crowing of the rooster, and the daughters of singing are silenced;

5 And the high places shall be fearful to them, and terrors on the way; and the almond will bloom, and the grasshopper will become heavy, and the caper will crumble. For a man departs to his eternal home, and mourners are ready to surround him in the street; —

6 Until the cord of silver was broken, and the bandage of gold was broken, and the pitcher was broken at the fountain, and the wheel over the well was broken.

7 And the dust shall return to the earth, as it was; and the spirit returned to God, who gave it.

8 Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes, all is vanity!