7 This is his bed, Solomon's: sixty mighty men round about him, of the mighty of Israel.

8 They all hold a sword, and are skilled in battle; every one has a sword at his hip for the fear of the night.

9 King Solomon made himself a bed of the wood of Lebanon;

10 His pillars he made of silver, his elbows of gold, and his seat of purple cloth. its interior is adorned with love by the daughters of Jerusalem.

11 Go and see, O daughters of Zion, king Solomon wearing the crown with which his mother crowned him on the day of his marriage, a day of joy to his heart.

Chapter 4

1 Oh, you are beautiful, my beloved, you are beautiful! thy eyes are like doves' under thy curls; your hair is like a herd of goats coming down from Mount Gilead;

2 Your teeth are like a flock of shorn sheep coming out of the pool, of which each has a pair of lambs, and there is no barren one among them.

3 Thy lips are like a scarlet ribbon, and thy lips are sweet; like the halves of a pomegranate apple, your cheeks under your curls;

4 Thy neck is like the pillar of David, built for arms, a thousand shields hanging upon it, all the shields of the mighty;

5 Your two breasts are like twins of a young chamois, grazing among the lilies.

6 As long as the day breathes coolness, and the shadows flee away, I will go to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of incense.

7 You are all beautiful, my beloved, and there is no stain on you!

8 With me from Lebanon, bride! Come with me from Lebanon! hasten from the summit of Amana, from the summit of Senir and Hermon, from the dens of lions, from the mountains of leopards!