25 And thou shalt make walls round about it in the palm of thy hand, and by the walls thereof thou shalt make a crown of gold round about;

26 And thou shalt make for it four rings of gold, and fasten the rings at the four corners of the four feet thereof.

27 And there shall be rings by the walls, to put the poles, to carry the table on them;

28 And the staves shall be made of shittim wood, and they shall be overlaid with gold, and they shall carry this table on them.

29 And thou shalt also make for him a dish, censers, cups, and cups to pour out of them: thou shalt make them of pure gold.

30 And thou shalt put the showbread on the table before me continually.

31 And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold; this lamp must be chased; its stem, its branches, its cups, its apples, and its flowers shall come out of it;

32 Six branches shall go out of the sides thereof, three branches of the candlestick from one side thereof, and three branches of the candlestick from the other side thereof.

33 Three calyxes like an almond blossom, with an apple and flowers, shall be on one branch, and three calyxes like an almond blossom on the other branch, with an apple and flowers: so on all the six branches that come out of the lampstand;

34 And on the stem of the candlestick there shall be four cups like an almond blossom with apples and flowers.

35 And the six branches that come out of the stem of the candlestick have an apple under the two branches thereof, and an apple under the other two branches, and an apple under the third two branches thereof [and on the candlestick four cups, like an almond blossom];

36 The apples and their branches shall come out of it: it shall all be chased, whole, of pure gold.

37 And thou shalt make seven lamps unto it, and thou shalt set upon it lamps, that they may shine on the front side thereof;

38 and the tongs thereof and the trays thereof shall be of pure gold;