55 И сожгли дом Господень и разорили стены Иерусалима и башни его сожгли огнем,

56 и все великолепие его обратили в ничто; оставшихся же от меча отвели в Вавилон.

57 И они были рабами ему и сыновьям его до владычества Персов, в исполнение слова Господня из уст Иеремии:

58 доколе земля не отпразднует суббот своих, во все время запустения своего, в продолжение семидесяти лет, она будет субботствовать.

Глава 2

1 В первый год царствования Кира Персидского, в исполнение слова Господа из уст Иеремии,

2 Господь подвиг дух Кира, царя Персидского, и он объявил по всему царству своему словесно и письменно:

3 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The Lord of Israel, the Lord Most High, hath made me king of the world

4 And he commanded me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea.

5 Whosoever is among you, of his people, let his Lord be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord of Israel: he is the Lord who dwelleth in Jerusalem.

6 Wherefore, as many of them dwell in the place, let the inhabitants of that place help them with gold and silver;

7 gifts of horses and cattle and other votive offerings for the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem.

8 And the elders of the tribes of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin arose, and the priests, and the Levites, and all whom the spirit the Lord had moved up, to go and build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem;

9 And those who dwelt in their neighbourhood helped them all, with silver and gold, and horses and cattle, and very many votive offerings of many, whom the spirit was moved by.

10 And king Cyrus brought out the holy vessels of the Lord, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought from Jerusalem, and set up in his temple.

11 And when Cyrus king of Persia had brought them out, he delivered them to Mithridates his treasurekeeper,

12 and through him they were delivered to Samanassar, prince of Judah.

13 And their number was: a thousand liquors of gold, and a thousand liquors of silver, twenty-nine cups of silver, thirty cups of gold, two thousand four hundred and ten of silver, and a thousand other vessels.

14 All the vessels of gold and silver were brought five thousand four hundred and sixty-nine.

15 And they were brought by Samanassar, and those who returned with him from the captivity of Babylon to Jerusalem.

16 And in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Belem, and Mithridates, and Tabellius, and Raphim, and Beeltethmus, and Samellius the scribe, and others who agreed with them, and dwelt in Samaria and other places, wrote him the following letter: