16 And of them were born, and by them were nursed, those who planted the vine, of which wine is made;

17 They make garments for men, and bring adornment to men, and men cannot be without wives.

18 And if they shall gather up gold, and silver, and all manner of jewels, and afterwards they shall see a certain woman, good in countenance, and beautiful,

19 Leaving everything, they rush to it, and look at it with their mouths open, and all cling to it more than to gold and silver and to every precious thing.

20 A man leaves his father, and his country, and cleaves to his wife,

21 And he departs his soul with his wife, and remembers neither father, nor mother, nor his country.

22 And from this you must know that women have dominion over you. Do you not labor and exert yourself, and do you not give and offer all things to your wives?

23 A man taketh up his sword, and goes out into the roads, and plunders and steals, and is ready to sail on the sea and the rivers,

24 He meets a lion, and wanders in darkness; but as soon as he steals, kidnaps and robs, he takes it to his beloved.

25 And a man loves his wife more than his father and mother.

26 Many have gone mad because of women, and have become slaves through them.

27 Many perished, and went astray, and sinned through women.

28 Will you not believe me now? Is not the king great in his power? Aren't all countries afraid to touch it?

29 I saw him and Apamina, the daughter of the glorious Bartacus, the king's concubine, sitting on the right hand of the king;