4 When they were alone in the room, Tobias got up from his bed and said, "Get up, sister, and let us pray that the Lord will have mercy on us."

5 And Tobias began to say, Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers, and blessed be thy holy and glorious name for ever. May the heavens and all Thy creatures bless Thee!

6 Thou didst create Adam, and gave him Eve for his helper, and his wife for his support. From them came the human race. Thou hast said, It is not good for the man to be alone, let us make a helper like unto him.

7 And now, O Lord, I take this sister of mine, not for the gratification of lust, but truly as a wife: be pleased to have mercy on me, and let me grow old with her.

8 And she said to him, 'Amen.'

E-9 And they both slept peacefully that night. And Raguel arose, and went and dug a grave;

10 And he said, Is not this one also dead?

11 And Raguel came to his house

12 And he said to Edna his wife, 'Send one of the maidservants to see if he is alive; if not, we will bury him, and no one will know.

13 Служанка, отворив дверь, вошла и увидела, что оба они спят.

14 И, выйдя, объявила им, что он жив.

15 И благословил Рагуил Бога, говоря: благословен Ты, Боже, всяким благословением чистым и святым! Да благословляют Тебя святые Твои, и все создания Твои, и все Ангелы Твои, и все избранные Твои, да благословляют Тебя вовеки!

16 Благословен Ты, что возвеселил меня, и не случилось со мною так, как я думал, но сотворил с нами по великой Твоей милости!

17 Благословен Ты, что помиловал двух единородных! Доверши, Владыка, милость над ними: дай им окончить жизнь во здравии, с весельем и милостью!