1 And when the children of Israel dwelt in Judah, when they heard all that Holofernes, the captain of the army of Nebuchadnezzar king of Assyria, had done to the nations, and how he had plundered all their sanctuaries, and had given them over to destruction,

2 They were very, very much afraid of him, and trembled for Jerusalem, and for the temple of the Lord their God.

3 потому что недавно возвратились они из плена, недавно весь народ Иудейский собрался, и освящены от осквернения сосуды, жертвенник и дом Господень.

4 Они послали во все пределы Самарии и Конии, и Ветерона и Вельмена, и Иерихона, и в Хову и Эсору, и в равнину Салимскую,

5 заняли все вершины высоких гор, оградили стенами находящиеся на них селения и отложили запасы хлеба на случай войны, так как нивы их недавно были сжаты,

6 а великий священник Иоаким, бывший в те дни в Иерусалиме, написал жителям Ветилуи и Ветомесфема, лежащего против Ездрилона, на передней стороне равнины, близкой к Дофаиму,

7 чтобы они заняли восходы в нагорную страну, потому что чрез них был вход в Иудею, и легко было им воспрепятствовать приходящим, так как тесен был проход даже для двух человек.

8 And the children of Israel did as Jehoiakim the great priest had commanded them, and the elders of all the people of Israel who were in Jerusalem.

9 And all the men of Israel cried out to God with great fervor, and humbled their souls with great earnestness, saying,

10 they and their wives, and their children, and their cattle; And every stranger, and hireling, and bought with money, put sackcloth on their loins.

11 And every man of Israel, and every woman, and children, and inhabitants of Jerusalem, fell down before the temple, and sprinkled ashes on their heads, and spread out their sackcloth before the Lord,

12 And they clothed the altar with sackcloth, and with diligence and with one accord cried unto the God of Israel, that he should not give up their children to plunder, or their wives to be plundered, or their cities of inheritance to be destroyed, and their holy things to be defiled and defiled.

13 And the Lord heard their voice, and looked upon their affliction; and in all Judea and Jerusalem the people fasted many days before the sanctuary of the Lord Almighty.

14 And Jehoiakim the high priest, and all the priests who were standing before the Lord, his servants, girded their loins with sackcloth, and offered unceasing burnt offerings, vows, and gifts of the people.