20 And now, lord lord, if there is a mistake in this people, and they sin against their God, and we notice that they have this stumbling, then we will go and overcome them.

21 And if there be no iniquity in this people, let my lord depart, lest the Lord protect them, and their God be for them, and then we shall be an object of reproach to all the earth.

22 And when Achior had finished this speech, all the people who were standing round about the tent murmured, and the nobles of Holofernes, and all who inhabited the seaside and the land of Moab, began to speak, 'Immediately he must be slain;

23 for we will not fear the children of Israel: they are a people who have neither army nor strength to make a strong army.

24 Come, therefore, lord Holofernes, and they shall become the prey of all thy army.

Chapter 6

1 And when the uproar about the assembly had ceased, Holofernes, the captain of the Assyrian army, said to Achior before all the foreign people, and to all the children of Moab,

2 Who art thou, Achior, with the hirelings of Ephraim, that thou hast prophesied to us this day, and said that we should not make war against the people of Israel, because God protects them? Who is God if not Nebuchadnezzar? He will send his power and wipe them out from off the face of the earth, and God will not deliver them away.

3 But we, his servants, will smite them as one man, and they will not be able to stand against the strength of our horses.

4 Мы растопчем их; горы их упьются их кровью, равнины их наполнятся их трупами, и не станет стопа ног их против нашего лица, но гибелью погибнут они, говорит царь Навуходоносор, господин всей земли. Ибо он сказал, — и не напрасны будут слова повелений его.

5 А ты, Ахиор, наемник Аммона, высказавший слова эти в день неправды твоей, от сего дня не увидишь больше лица моего, доколе я не отомщу этому народу, пришедшему из Египта.

6 Когда же я возвращусь, меч войска моего и толпа слуг моих пройдет по ребрам твоим, — и ты падешь между ранеными их.

7 Рабы мои отведут тебя в нагорную страну и оставят в одном из городов на высотах,

8 и ты не умрешь там, доколе не будешь с ними истреблен.