15 And having made for him a place worthy of him, he hung him on the wall, having fixed him with iron.
16 Therefore, in order that his work should not fall, he took care beforehand, knowing that it could not help itself, for it was an idol and had need of help.
17 And when he prays before him for his gains, for marriage, and for children, he is not ashamed to speak to the soulless,
18 And he cries out for health to the weak, he begs for life that is dead, he begs for help that which is utterly incapable, For a journey that is not able to tread,
19 For gain, for trade, and for the success of the hands, that which is not at all able to do with the hands, asks for strength that which is most powerless.
Chapter 14
1 Again, another, when he is about to sail and sail over the fierce waves, calls to the aid of a tree weaker than the ship that bears him;
2 For the desire for acquisition hath devised it, and the worker has skilfully arranged,
3 but thy providence, O Father, steerth the ship, for thou hast given both a way out to sea, and a safe path in the waves,
4 showing that Thou canst save from all things, even if he goes to sea without skill.
5 Thou wilt that the works of thy wisdom should not be in vain; Therefore, people entrust their lives to the smallest tree and are saved by passing on the waves in a boat.
6 For even in the beginning, when the proud giants were destroyed, the hope of the world, guided by thy hand, took refuge in the ship, and left the seed of the generation to the world.
7 Blessed is the tree through which righteousness comes!
8 But this man-made thing is cursed both by itself, and by him that made it, because he hath done; And this perishable is called God.