32 Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of meeting finished; And the children of Israel did all things: as the LORD commanded Moses, so they did.

33 And they brought to Moses the tabernacle, and the covering, and all the utensils thereof, and the hooks thereof, and the boards thereof, and the staves thereof, and the pillars thereof,

34 A covering of red ram's skins, and a covering of blue skins, and covering the veil,

35 The ark of the testimony, and its staves, and the mercy seat,

36 The table with all its utensils, and the shewbread,

37 A candlestick of pure gold, and the lamps thereof, and the lamps set upon it, and all the utensils thereof, and oil for the light,

38 The golden altar, and the anointing oil, and the incense for incense, and the curtain for the entrance of the tabernacle,

39 And the altar thereof of brass, and the grate thereof of brass, and the staves thereof, and all the utensils thereof, the basin thereof, and the socket thereof,

40 the curtains of the court, the pillars and the sockets, the curtain of the gate of the court, the cords and stakes, and all the things that belong to the ministry of the tent of meeting,

41 garments for the service of the sanctuary, sacred garments for Aaron the priest, and garments for his sons for the priesthood.

42 As the Lord commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel do all these works.

43 And Moses saw all the work, and behold, they did it: as the Lord commanded, so they did. And Moses blessed them.

Chapter 40

1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

2 In the first month, on the first day of the month, thou shalt set up the tabernacle of meeting,

3 And thou shalt set in it the ark of the testimony, and thou shalt shut the ark with a veil;

4 And thou shalt bring in a table, and set upon it all his things, and bring in a lampstand, and set upon it his lamps;

5 And thou shalt set up a golden altar of incense before the ark of the revelation, and hang a curtain at the entrance of the tabernacle.

6 And thou shalt set the altar of burnt offering before the entrance of the tabernacle of meeting.

7 And thou shalt set a laver between the tent of meeting, and between the altar, and pouring water into it.

8 And thou shalt set the court round about, and hang a curtain in the gate of the court.