5 И, войдя во гроб, увидели юношу, сидящего на правой стороне, облеченного в белую одежду; и ужаснулись.

6 Он же говорит им: не ужасайтесь. Иисуса ищете Назарянина, распятого; Он воскрес, Его нет здесь. Вот место, где Он был положен.

7 Но идите, скажите ученикам Его и Петру, что Он предваряет вас в Галилее; там Его увидите, как Он сказал вам.

8 И, выйдя, побежали от гроба; их объял трепет и ужас, и никому ничего не сказали, потому что боялись.

9 Воскреснув рано в первый день недели, Иисус явился сперва Марии Магдалине, из которой изгнал семь бесов.

10 Она пошла и возвестила бывшим с Ним, плачущим и рыдающим;

11 но они, услышав, что Он жив и она видела Его, — не поверили.

12 And after these things he appeared in another form to two of them on the road, as they were going to the village.

13 And they returned, and told the rest; But they were not believed either.

14 At last he appeared to the eleven themselves, who were reclining at the supper, and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen him risen.

15 And he said to them, 'Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.'

16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name they shall cast out demons; they will speak new tongues;

18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not harm them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.

19 And so the Lord, after conversing with them, ascended into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

20 And they went and preached everywhere, with the Lord's help, and the word strengthened by signs that followed. Amen.

The Gospel of Luke

Chapter 1

1 As many have already begun to compose narratives of events that are perfectly known among us,

2 As those who were eyewitnesses and ministers of the Word from the beginning have handed them down to us,

3 And it has been decided that I also, after careful examination of all things from the beginning, shall describe to thee in order, O venerable Theophilus,

4 that thou mayest know the sure foundation of the doctrine in which thou hast been taught.

5 In the days of Herod king of Judah, there was a priest of the Abian family, whose name was Zechariah, and his wife of the family of Aaron, whose name was Elizabeth.

6 Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, walking according to all the commandments and statutes of the Lord without blemish.

7 They had no children, for Elizabeth was barren, and both were already advanced in years.

8 And it came to pass, when he was in the order of his order that he was ministering before God,

9 By lot, as was the custom of the priests, it fell to him to enter into the temple of the Lord to burn incense,