3 Truly he loves [His] people; all his saints are in thy hand, and they have fallen at thy feet to hearken unto thy words.

4 The law was given to us by Moses, the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob.

5 And he was king of Israel, when the heads of the people were gathered together with the tribes of Israel.

6 Let Reuben live, and let him not die, and let him not be few in number.

7 But of Judah he said this, Hear, O Lord, the voice of Judah, and bring him to his people; let him defend himself with his own hands, and be a helper against his enemies.

8 And of Levi he said, Thummim thy and Thy urim on thy holy husband, whom thou hast tempted in Massah, with whom thou hast contended at the waters of Meribah,

9 Who says of his father and his mother, 'I do not look upon them,' and does not acknowledge his brethren, nor know his sons; for they, the Levites, keep thy words, and keep thy covenant;

10 They teach Jacob Thy laws, and Thy commandments Israel, and offer incense before Thee, and burnt offerings upon Thy altar.

11 Bless him, O Lord, his strength, and in the work of his hands, and smite the loins of them that rise up against him, and hate him, that they may not be able to stand.

12 О Вениамине сказал: возлюбленный Господом обитает у Него безопасно, [Бог] покровительствует ему всякий день, и он покоится между раменами Его.

13 Об Иосифе сказал: да благословит Господь землю его вожделенными дарами неба, росою и дарами бездны, лежащей внизу,

14 вожделенными плодами от солнца и вожделенными произведениями луны,

15 превосходнейшими произведениями гор древних и вожделенными дарами холмов вечных,

16 и вожделенными дарами земли и того, что наполняет ее; благословение Явившегося в терновом кусте да приидет на главу Иосифа и на темя наилучшего из братьев своих;