1 And when Jabin, king of Hazor, had heard this, he sent to Jobab king of Madona, and to king of Shimron, and to king of Ahsaph,

2 and to the kings who dwelt to the north on the mountain, and in the plain on the south side of Hinnarath, and in the lowlands, and in Nathoth-dor to the west,

3 To the Canaanites who dwelt to the east, and to the sea, and to the Amorites, and to the Hittites, and to the Perizzites, and to the Jebusites, who dwelt in the mountain, and to the Hivites who dwelt near Hermon in the land of Mizpah.

4 And they went out, and all their host with them, a multitude of people, who were equal to the sand on the shore of the sea; and there were many horses and chariots.

5 And all these kings gathered together, and came, and encamped together by the waters of Merom, to fight against Israel.

6 But the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear them not, for to-morrow, about this time, I will deliver them all up to be slain by Israel. And cut their horses' sinews, and burn their chariots with fire.

7 And Joshua, and with him all the people capable of war, suddenly came out against them to the waters of Merom, and attacked them.

8 And the LORD delivered them into the hands of Israel, and they smote them, and pursued them as far as Sidon the great, and as far as Misreth-maim, and as far as the valley of Mizpah to the east, and slew them, so that there was not one left of them who could survive.

9 And Jesus dealt with them as the Lord had said to him, He cut off the sinews of their horses, and burned their chariots with fire.

10 And when Jesus returned, he took Hazor, and slew his king with the sword.

11 And they smote all that breathed that was in him with the sword, and put them under a curse: not one soul remained; and he burned Hazor with fire.

12 And all the cities of these kings, and all their kings, Joshua took and smote them with the sword, putting them to the curse, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded.

13 And all the cities that lay on the high ground were not burned by the Israelites, except one Hazor, which Jesus burned.

14 And all the spoils of these cities, and all the cattle, the children of Israel have plundered for themselves; but they slew all the people with the sword, so that they destroyed them all: they did not leave a single soul.