4 Вышел жребий племенам Каафовым; и досталось по жребию сынам Аарона священника, левитам, от колена Иудина, и от колена Симеонова, и от колена Вениаминова, тринадцать городов;

5 а прочим сынам Каафа от племен колен Ефремова, и от колена Данова, и от половины колена Манассиина, по жребию, досталось десять городов;

6 сынам Гирсоновым — от племен колена Иссахарова, и от колена Асирова, и от колена Неффалимова, и от половины колена Манассиина в Васане, по жребию, досталось тринадцать городов;

7 сынам Мерариным, по их племенам, от колена Рувимова, от колена Гадова и от колена Завулонова — двенадцать городов.

8 И отдали сыны Израилевы левитам сии города с предместьями их, как повелел Господь чрез Моисея, по жребию.

9 От колена сынов Иудиных, и от колена сынов Симеоновых, [и от колена сынов Вениаминовых] дали города, которые здесь названы по имени:

10 сынам Аарона, из племен Каафовых, из сынов Левия [так как жребий их был первый],

11 And they gave Kiriath-arba the father of Enakov, or Hebron, on the mountain of Judah, and the suburbs thereof round about.

12 And the field of this city and the village thereof they gave into the possession of Caleb the son of Jephunnini.

13 So the sons of Aaron the priest were given a city of refuge for the murderer, Hebron, and the suburbs thereof, Libna and the suburbs thereof,

14 And Yattir and the suburbs thereof, Eshtemo and the suburbs thereof,

15 Holon and its suburbs, Dabir and its suburbs,

16 Ain and the suburbs thereof, Juttah and the suburbs thereof, Beth-shemesh and the suburbs thereof: nine cities of these two tribes;

17 and of the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon, and the suburbs thereof, and Geba and the suburbs thereof,

18 Anathoth and the suburbs thereof, Almon and the suburbs thereof: four cities.

19 Of all the cities the sons of Aaron, the priests, got thirteen cities, with their suburbs.

20 And the tribes of the sons of Kohath, the Levites, and the rest of the sons of Kohath, according to their lot, received the cities of the tribe of Ephraim;

21 And they gave them a city of refuge for the murderer, Shechem, and the suburbs thereof, on the mountain of Ephraim, and Gezer, and the suburbs thereof,

22 Kivzaim and the suburbs thereof, Beth-oron and the suburbs thereof: four cities;

23 And of the tribe of Dan, Elekh and the suburbs thereof, Gibbethon and the suburbs thereof,

24 Aialon and the suburbs thereof, Gath-rimmon and the suburbs thereof: four cities;