The Pentateuch of Moses

18They were seized with fear as soon as they learned that they had been brought to Joseph's house, and the brothers began to share their fears among themselves: "We have been brought here because of the money that was last time in our sacks. He wants to accuse and punish us, to make us his slaves and to take our donkeys for himself!" 19So they went to the steward of Joseph's house to explain themselves to him in the courtyard. 20"Please listen, our lord! They began. "We had already been here once, bought grain, 21 and when on the way home we stopped for the night and opened our sacks, each of us found in the sack, on top, his silver, returned to him in full. This time we brought it back. E-22 And besides it, we have silver with us to buy grain. We do not know who then put the silver in our sacks."

23 "Calm down, you have nothing to fear," said the steward. "It must be your God, the God of your father, who has put the treasure in the sacks for you. And I received your silver in full."

He brought Simeon to them, 24 invited them to enter Joseph's house, gave them water to wash their feet, and ordered that their donkeys be given food. 25Expecting Joseph to arrive at noon, they laid out their gifts, for they had heard that they were to dine with him.

26When Joseph came home, they offered him the gifts they had with him and bowed down to the ground. 27He kindly asked them about their health, and then said: "You have told me about your father, the elder, and is he still alive? How is his health?" 28"Our father, your servant, is alive and well!" they replied, and once more humbly bowed.

29As Joseph continued to speak to them, his eyes turned to his brother Benjamin, his mother's son. "Is this your little brother," he asked, "the one you told me about? May God show His mercy to you, my son!" he said excitedly. 30And ready to weep under the influx of tender feelings for his brother, Joseph hastily retired to his room and wept there.

31 Then, having washed himself, he went out and, holding himself in hand, ordered it to be served on the table. 32 It was served separately to him, separately to the brothers, and separately to the Egyptians who dined right there (Egyptians do not eat at the same table with the Jews – they consider it beneath their dignity). 33The brothers were seated before Joseph one by one in order of seniority, from the firstborn to the youngest, and they were amazed to look at each other in amazement. 34And when they were served refreshments from Joseph's table, Benjamin received five times as much as the rest. So the brothers drank and feasted with Joseph.

The Final Challenge

44 While the guests were still eating and drinking, Joseph said to his steward: "Fill their sacks with grain, as much as they can take with them. And you shall put their money back into each of them in a sack on top. 2 And my cup, the cup of silver, thou shalt put in the sack of the youngest of them, together with the silver which he brought for the payment of the grain." He did everything as Joseph commanded.

3 And when it was daylight, the brethren, with their donkeys laden to the utmost, were sent home; 4 But before they had gone far from the city, Joseph said to his steward: "Immediately set out in pursuit, catch up with these people! And when you have caught up with them, say to them thus: "Why have you repaid evil for good? 5Why have you stolen the silver cup from which my lord drinks? He predicts the future by it. You acted outrageously!'"

6When the steward had caught up with them, he told them all this word for word. 7"How can our lord say such a thing? They burst out in response. "Your slaves could not even think of encroaching on someone else's property!" 8For even the silver that we found in our sacks we brought back from Canaan to you. Why then did we steal silver or gold from your master's house? 9If a cup is found in the possession of any of us, death will be on him, but we will remain forever servants of our master!"

10"Let it be your way," said the steward. "But only the one with whom I find the cup will become my servant, the rest are not to blame and can go home." 11They, ahead of one another, lowered their sacks to the ground and untied them. 12The steward searched everyone, from the oldest to the youngest, and the cup was found in Benjamin's bag. 13In desperation, the brothers tore their clothes, loaded the donkeys, and returned to the city.

14 As soon as Judah and his brothers came to Joseph, finding him still at home, they immediately fell at his feet. 15"What have you done?! Joseph reproached them. "You should have known that a man in my position would be able to reveal that!"

16"How shall I answer my lord to this? Judas said. "What can we say and how can we justify ourselves?" God has revealed our transgression. From now on, we are your slaves, our lord, all of us, and, of course, the one who has the cup."

17"I will never do this! Joseph said. "Whoever has the cup will become my servant, let the rest return in peace to their father."