The Pentateuch of Moses

23 And Joseph said to the people, "You see how things stand now: I have bought for Pharaoh both you and the portions of your land, so take the seeds and sow the land. 24However, of each harvest you are to give a fifth to Pharaoh and four parts to sow the field and to feed you and your families, so that you will feed your children." 25"You have saved our lives," they said. "If it pleases you, our lord, to allow us to use the land, we will be Pharaoh's slaves."

26Thus Joseph laid the foundation for a law that is still observed in Egypt: a fifth of the harvest belongs to Pharaoh. Only the land of the priests did not become pharaoh's.

27And the Israelites settled in Egypt, in the land of Goshen. There they owned lands; and since their families usually had many children, they soon became very numerous.

28Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years, so that all the years of his life were one hundred and forty-seven. 29And when the time came for Israel to die, he called his son Joseph and said to him: "If I have won your favor, put your hand under my thigh[377] as a sign that you will show me mercy and faithfulness: you will not bury me in Egypt! 30When I am joined to my forefathers, bring me out of Egypt and bury me in their tomb." "I will grant your desire," Joseph promised.

31"Swear to me," said James. Joseph swore an oath to him, and Israel worshipped God at the head of her bed.

Manasseh and Ephraim

48 Some time later, Joseph was informed that his father was visibly weakening. Then Joseph took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, and went to his father. 2 When Jacob heard that his son Joseph had come to him, Israel gathered together with his strength, got up, sat down on his bed, 3 and said to Joseph: "In due time, the Almighty God[378] appeared to me in Lusa, in Canaan, and blessing me, 4 promised me: "I will make you fruitful and your generation numerous, you will be the father of many nations, and this land I will give to your descendants[379] for an everlasting possession."

5Now, now your two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who were born in Egypt before I came to you here, will be mine, as well as Reuben and Simeon. 6The other children that will be born to you after them are yours, but as far as their ancestral inheritance is concerned, they will be numbered under the names of Ephraim and Manasseh, their elder brothers. 7And I do this because, alas! my Rachel died when I was returning from Paddan, she died in Canaan, not far from Ephrata. I buried her there, by the road to Efrata." (Now it is called Bethlehem.)

8When Israel saw Joseph's sons, he asked, "Who are they?" 9 "My sons, whom God has given me here," Joseph answered. "Bring them to me," said Israel, "and I will bless them." 10Israel's eyesight was dimened by old age, and he could scarcely see. Joseph brought his sons to him; Israel kissed them, embraced them, 11 and said to Joseph: "I no longer hoped to see you, but God has given me to see your children also."

12 Joseph led his children away from the tribes of Israel, and bowed down to him to the ground. 13He took both sons (Ephraim with his right hand, so that he was on Israel's left, and Manasseh with his left, so that he would be on Israel's right hand) and brought them closer to him. 14But Israel, stretching out her hands and crossing them,381 put her right hand on Ephraim's head, although he was the youngest, and her left hand on Manasseh's head, even though Manasseh was the firstborn.

15Then he blessed Joseph, invoking a blessing on his sons, saying:

"God, in whose face my fathers Abraham and Isaac lived,

God, who was my Shepherd from my birth until this day,

16May the angel who delivered me from all troubles bless these youths!