The Pentateuch of Moses

by the power of the mighty God Jacob,

in the name of the Shepherd, the Stronghold of Israel,

25May the God of your father help you in the future.

And may God Almighty bestow His blessings upon you,

blessings pouring down from heaven,

blessings that come from the depths of the earth,

blessings of the breast of the nurse and the womb of the one who gives birth.

26Your Father's Blessings Surpass

the blessings of the mountains[407] of the ancients,

the bountiful gifts of the eternal hills;

let them be on the head of Joseph;

on the crown of his head, the husband, among his brethren – glorified.

27Benjamin is a gluttonous wolf,

In the morning he greedily swallows his prey,

and in the evening he seeks to snatch at least part of what has been stolen by others[408]."

28These are all the tribes of Israel, twelve in number; And this is what the Father said to them when he bade them farewell,409 giving each tribe his blessing.

The Death and Burial of Jacob

29And Jacob gave orders for his burial: "The time has come for me to go to my forefathers." Bury me beside my fathers, in the cave in the field of Efron the Hittite. 30This cave is in the field of Machpelah, east of Mamre in Canaan, in the field which Abraham bought from Ephron the Hittite for burial. 31 There are buried Abraham and his wife Sarah, Isaac and his wife Rebekah, there I also buried Leah. 32 The field and the cave therein were bought into possession from the Hittites."

33When Jacob had finished his will to his sons, he laid his feet on the bed and died, and went to his forefathers.

50 Immediately Joseph rushed to his father, and covering his face with kisses, wept over him. 2He commanded the physicians from among his servants to begin embalming the body of Israel his father. And they immediately set to work, 3 completing the embalming in forty days, which was how long it took to do so.

The Egyptians mourned the deceased for seventy days. 4 When the days of mourning were over, Joseph said to Pharaoh's courtiers: "If you are pleased with me, please tell Pharaoh that when he was dying, my father took an oath from me that I would bury him in the tomb he had prepared for himself in the land of Canaan. Please let me go, that I may go and bury my father; and then I'll come back." 6"Go," said Pharaoh, "and bury your father—do what he asked you to assure him of."