The Pentateuch of Moses

5 On the fourteenth day of the first month,[933] in the evening, before nightfall, the Passover of the Lord begins. 6 On the fifteenth day of the same month, the feast[934] of Unleavened Bread in honor of the Lord. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. 7 On the first day of celebrations you must have a sacred assembly, and no daily work is to be done on that day[935]. 8All seven days you shall offer gifts[936] to the Lord. And on the seventh day there must be a holy assembly, do not do any daily work on this day."

Feast of the First Sheaf

9The Lord commanded Moses 10 to say these words to the children of Israel: "When you come to the land that I am giving you, when you have gathered the first harvest in it, bring the first sheaf of that harvest to the priest. 11He will lift up the sheaf as an offering to be offered before the Lord,[937]a that it may be received from you. On the morning after Saturday[938] the priest must raise the sheaf. 12On the day that this rite is performed, you are to offer a sacrifice – a completely burned sacrifice to the Lord – a one-year-old lamb without any blemish. 13Along with the sheaf and the lamb, a grain offering is to be offered, two-tenths of an eph of the best flour mixed with olive oil. it is a gift to the Lord, a pleasing fragrance to Him; likewise a libation is to be offered, a quarter of a hin of wine[939]. 14You shall not eat bread of the new harvest, nor grains, toasted or freshly ripe, until the day that you have offered sacrifice to your God. And let this be an immutable institution in all your generations, wherever you live.


15After that Sabbath, you are to count seven full weeks, beginning with the day on which you offered the sheaf as a gift to God. 16The first day after the seventh Sabbath will be the fiftieth day, and on that day you will offer the Lord a new meal offering, 17 it shall be two loaves of bread to be lifted up, such as you bake in your gates, each baked from two-tenths of a measure of the best flour. These loaves should be baked from sour dough – these will be the first fruits of the field, offered to the Lord. 18Along with the bread, seven lambs of one year old without blemish, one young bull, and two rams are to be sacrificed. All this is to be a burnt offering to the Lord, and together with the bread offering and the drink offering, it is a gift to the Lord, a sweet fragrance to Him. 19And you shall offer a goat as a sin offering, and two lambs a year old as sacrifices of thanksgiving from those who are in peace and prosperity. 20The priest is to offer two lambs, together with the grain offering, from the firstfruits of the field, as an offering to the Lord. These holy things, returned to the Lord, are for the priest.

21On this day of the feast it is proper to convene an assembly – it will be a holy assembly – no daily work is to be carried on. And let it be an immutable institution, wherever you live, for all your generations.

22 And when ye reap the harvest in your land, ye shall not reap the field to the very edge, neither shall ye cut off the ears of corn that are left after the harvest. Leave it to the poor and the settler. I am the Lord your God."

Festival of Trumpets

23The Lord commanded Moses 24 to say to the children of Israel: "The first day of the seventh month shall be a day of complete rest for you, a day of remembrance. You celebrate it with a sacred assembly with loud trumpets; 25By not doing your daily work, you will bring a gift to the Lord."

Day of Purification

26The Lord said to Moses: 27 "And the tenth day of the same seventh month shall be your Day of Atonement,940 and again you shall have a holy assembly on this occasion, when you should humble yourselves,941 and offer a gift to the Lord. 28On this day you should not do any work, because it is the Day of Atonement, when your union with the Lord your God is restored. 29But if anyone does not humble himself on this day, he must be cast out from among his people. 30Neither will I leave anyone who works on this very day to live[942] among you; 31You are not allowed to do any work. And let this be an immutable institution in all your generations, wherever you live. 32For you, this should be a Sabbath spent in holy peace and humility of soul. From the evening of the ninth day of that month, from sunset to sunset, you must observe your Sabbath."

Feast of Tabernacles

33The Lord commanded Moses 34 to say to the children of Israel: "From the fifteenth day of the same seventh month, the Feast of Tabernacles, dedicated to the Lord, is to be celebrated for seven days." 35On the first day there is a holy assembly, and it is not allowed to carry on daily work. 36All seven days you will offer gifts to the Lord. And on the eighth you must again come together in a sacred assembly and offer a gift to the Lord. This is the day of a solemn meeting, when no daily work can be done.

37These are the feasts ordained by the Lord, which you are to keep as the time of the holy convocation, in order to offer gifts to the Lord: burnt offerings and grain offerings, sacrifices and drink offerings, all on a certain day, 38 and this is besides the weekly Sabbaths of the Lord and your gifts, and besides all that you give to the Lord by vows or special zeal.