The Pentateuch of Moses

10–11There was a man in the camp of Israel whose mother was an Israelite and whose father was an Egyptian; his mother's name was Shelomit, the daughter of Divri of the tribe of Dan. He once walked among the children of Israel, and with one of them he quarreled and fought. At the same time, the son of the Israelite woman blasphemed and cursed the Divine Name. Then they brought him to Moses 12 and left him in custody, waiting for the will of the Lord to be revealed to them.

13In speaking to Moses, the Lord said: 14"He who blasphemes must be taken out of the camp; there, all who heard him, let them lay their hands on his head, and after that the whole congregation shall stone him. 15And you say to the children of Israel, "Everyone who blasphemes his God will answer for his sin.

16Whoever blasphemes the Name of the Lord must be put to death. The whole community must certainly stone him. Everyone – whether he is a migrant, whether a native inhabitant – everyone who blasphemes the Divine Name must be put to death.

17In the same way, any person who takes the life of another must be put to death.

18But if someone kills a domestic animal, he will be obliged to give another animal for it, life for life.

19If a man inflicts bodily injury on his neighbor, he must be dealt with in the same way as he did: 20fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he mutilated a man, the same injury must be inflicted on him. 21Whoever kills a domestic animal must pay for it, but the murderer of a man must be put to death. 22 And all are to be judged alike, both the emigrant and the native. I am the Lord your God.'"

23 And when Moses had said these things to the children of Israel, they brought him out of the camp and stoned him. In this way they fulfilled the command of the Lord given to Moses.

Saturday Year

25 Speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, the Lord commanded him 2 to convey these words to the children of Israel: "When you come to the land which I am giving you, let that land itself keep the Sabbaths of the Lord. 3For six years you shall sow your field, prune your vines, and reap the harvest. 4In the seventh year, the earth also shall have a complete Sabbath rest,950 the Sabbath of the Lord: you shall not sow your fields, nor prune your vines. 5Do not reap even that which has grown of its own accord after the harvest, and do not pluck bunches from unpruned vines. Your Earth needs a year of complete peace. 6But you will be able to eat what the land grows during its Sabbath day—you yourselves, and your servants, and your maidservants, and the hired servants, and the strangers who dwell among you, 7 and your cattle and the beasts that dwell in your country—all the harvest of that year will serve as food for all.

Jubilee Year

8Count seven such Sabbath years, that is, seven times seven years, forty-nine years. 9Then on the tenth day of the seventh month, the Day of Atonement, you shall sound a loud trumpet. Sound the trumpet loudly throughout all your land. 10Thus it behooves you to declare the fiftieth[951] year holy, and to grant liberty in your land to all its inhabitants. Let it be the year of jubilee, when each one comes to his own plot of land, each one returns to his kinship. 11 Let the fiftieth year be a jubilee unto you: ye shall not sow or harvest that which has grown of its own accord in the field, nor be engaged in harvesting grapes from the unpruned vines, 12for the year of jubilee shall be sacred unto you. You can eat directly from the field what has grown there by itself.

13In the year of jubilee, everyone must again become the owner of his family property. 14 Therefore, if it happens that you sell anything to your neighbor or buy from him, do not profit for yourselves to the detriment of another. 15He is to buy land from his neighbor according to the number of years that have passed since the year of jubilee, and he must sell it according to the number of years of harvest remaining. 16The greater the number of years, the higher the price; the less, the lower: after all, the number of crops is sold. 17Do not rob one another, but fear your God. I am the Lord your God.

18Obey my statutes and keep my commandments faithfully, and you will live safely in the land that has been given to you. 19The earth will bear its fruit, so that you will eat enough and live safely in it.

20You may ask, "What shall we eat during the seventh year, when we neither sow nor reap the harvest?" 21In the sixth year, I will bestow upon you such blessings that the earth will bring forth a harvest for three whole years. 22In the eighth year you will sow again, but you will still live on that old harvest, until the harvest in the ninth year.