The Pentateuch of Moses

15Ahira, the son of Ahen, is of the tribe of Naphtali."

16Those whom God has chosen out of the whole community are the heads of the thousands of Israel, the leaders[976] of those tribes that trace their origins back to their twelve ancestors.

17Moses and Aaron gathered together all these men named by name,18 and together with them on that first day of the second month they called together the whole congregation. On that day, all the Israelites who had reached the age of twenty answered the question about their origin, indicated what kind of family and what family they came from; and every one of them was registered by name, 19as the Lord had commanded Moses. And he counted them in the wilderness of Sinai.

20Of the descendants of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, all the men twenty years of age and older were numbered; All who were fit for military service were enlisted in the army by name, one after the other, in accordance with what had been spent in each of their clans and families. 21The number of such in the tribe of Reuben was forty-six thousand five hundred.

22 Of the descendants of Simeon, all the males twenty years of age and older were numbered; All who were fit for military service were enlisted in the army by name, one after the other, in accordance with what had been spent in each of their clans and families. 23The number of such in the tribe of Simeon was fifty-nine thousand three hundred.

24 Of the descendants of Gad, all the males from twenty years of age and older were numbered; All who were fit for military service were enlisted in the army by name, one after the other, in accordance with what had been spent in each of their clans and families. 25The number of such in the tribe of Gad was forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.

26Of the descendants of Judah, all the males from twenty years of age and older were counted; All who were fit for military service were enlisted in the army by name, one after the other, in accordance with what had been spent in each of their clans and families. 27The number of such in the tribe of Judah was seventy-four thousand six hundred.

28Of the descendants of Issachar, all males from twenty years of age and older were counted; All who were fit for military service were enlisted in the army by name, one after the other, in accordance with what had been spent in each of their clans and families. 29The number of such in the tribe of Issachar was fifty-four thousand four hundred.

30Of the descendants of Zebulun, all the males from twenty years of age and older were numbered; All who were fit for military service were enlisted in the army by name, one after the other, in accordance with what had been spent in each of their clans and families. 31The number of such in the tribe of Zebulun was fifty-seven thousand four hundred.

32–35Из потомков Иосифа, то есть потомков Ефрема и Манассии, были пересчитаны все мужчины от двадцати лет и старше; все, кто был годен к воинской службе, были зачислены в войско поименно, один за другим, в соответствии с учетом, что провели в каждом их роде и семействе. Число таковых в колене Ефрема составило сорок тысяч пятьсот человек, а в колене Манассии – тридцать две тысячи двести человек.

36Из потомков Вениамина были пересчитаны все мужчины от двадцати лет и старше; все, кто был годен к воинской службе, были зачислены в войско поименно, один за другим, в соответствии с учетом, что провели в каждом их роде и семействе. 37Число таковых в колене Вениаминовом составило тридцать пять тысяч четыреста человек.

38Из потомков Дана были пересчитаны все мужчины от двадцати лет и старше; все, кто был годен к воинской службе, были зачислены в войско поименно, один за другим, в соответствии с учетом, что провели в каждом их роде и семействе. 39Число таковых в колене Дановом составило шестьдесят две тысячи семьсот человек.

40Из потомков Асира были пересчитаны все мужчины от двадцати лет и старше; все, кто был годен к воинской службе, были зачислены в войско поименно, один за другим, в соответствии с учетом, что провели в каждом их роде и семействе. 41Число таковых в колене Асировом составило сорок одну тысячу пятьсот человек.

42 Из потомков Неффалима были пересчитаны все мужчины от двадцати лет и старше; все, кто был годен к воинской службе, были зачислены в войско поименно, один за другим, в соответствии с учетом, что провели в каждом их роде и семействе. 43Число таковых в колене Неффалимовом составило пятьдесят три тысячи четыреста человек.