The Psalter of the Prophet David (in Russian translation by P. Yungerov)

And now:

Many of my sins, O Theotokos, I have turned to Thee, O Pure One, demanding salvation: visit my feeble soul and pray to Thy Son and our God to grant me forgiveness, O Blessed One, who have done my cruel deeds.  Lord, have mercy, 40. And bow down as mightily as possible.

And now, O Lord, bless, yes, sighing from the heart, and singing with my tongue, saying: Come, let us worship our King God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and God. In the same way, it is not enough, until all feelings are calmed. Then do not make the beginning quickly, without sloth, with tenderness and a broken heart. Rcy cue: "Blessed is the man..." quietly and intelligently, with attention, and not struggling, as one understands with one's mind.

Kathisma First

1. Psalm of David.

Blessed is the man who did not go to the assembly of the wicked, and did not stand in the way of sinners, and did not sit in the company of destroyers, but in the law of the Lord is his will, and in His law he shall learn day and night. And it shall be like a tree planted at the fountain of waters, which shall bear fruit in its season, and its leaf shall not fall away. And everything he does will be successful. Not so wicked, not so: but like dust that the wind sweeps away from the face of the earth! Therefore the wicked shall not rise up in judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

2. Psalm of David.

Why are the nations agitated, and the nations plotting vain? The kings of the earth stood before us, and the princes gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ, saying, Let us break their bonds, and cast off their yoke. He who dwells in heaven will laugh at them, and the Lord will humiliate them. Then he will speak to them in his anger, and with his wrath he will crush them. And I have been made king by Him over Zion, His holy mountain, To proclaim the command of the Lord. And the Lord said unto me, Thou art my Son, and this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thy inheritance, and the ends of the earth for thy possession. You will feed them with a rod of iron, as you will break the potter's vessels." And now, O kings, understand, learn, all ye judges of the earth. Work for the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling. Take advantage of the teaching, lest the Lord be angry, and ye perish from the right path, when His wrath shall soon be kindled. Blessed are all who hope in Him.

3. The Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.

God! How my persecutors have multiplied! Many are rebelling against me. Many say to my soul, "There is no salvation for him in his God." But Thou, O Lord, art my intercessor, my glory, and Thou liftest up my head. With my voice I cried unto the Lord, and he heard me from his holy mountain. I fell asleep, slept, and arose, for the Lord will protect me. I will not be afraid of the multitude of people who attack me all around. Arise, O Lord! Save me, O my God! For Thou hast smitten all those who are enemies against me in vain, Thou hast broken the teeth of sinners. Salvation is from the Lord, and Thy blessing is upon Thy people.


4. In the end. Canto. Psalm of David.

As I called, the God of my righteousness heard me. In sorrow Thou hast given me space. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer! Sons of men! How long will you be stubborn? Why do you love vanity and seek lies? Know then that the Lord made His monk wonderful. The Lord will hear me when I call upon Him. When you are angry, do not sin; whatsoever ye speak in your hearts, be troubled in your couches. Offer the sacrifice of righteousness, and trust in the Lord. Many say: Who will show us good? The light of Thy countenance has been imprinted upon us, O Lord. Thou hast given gladness to my heart, and they have been enriched by the fruit of wheat, wine, and oil. In peace I will quickly fall asleep and calm down, for Thou, O Lord, hast instilled me alone with hope.