The Psalter of the Prophet David (in Russian translation by P. Yungerov)


74. In the end. Do not ruin. Psalm of the Song of Asaph.

Let us glorify Thee, O God, let us glorify Thee, and call upon Thy name. I will tell you all Thy miracles. "When I choose the time, I will reason rightly. The earth is melted, and all that dwell in it: I have established its pillars." I said to the wrongdoers, Do not do wrong, and to the sinners, Do not lift up your horns. Do not lift up your horns, and speak no unrighteousness against God, for it is not from the east, nor from the west, nor from the desert mountains, for God is the Judge: he humbles the one and exalts the other. For in the hand of the Lord is a cup of wine undissolved, (but) filled with solution, and inclines (it) now to this and then to that, but its yeast will not be exhausted: all the sinners of the earth will drink. But I will rejoice forever, singing praises to God of Jacob. And I will break all the horns of sinners, and the horn of the righteous will be lifted up.

75. In the end. Canto. Psalm of Asaph. The Song of the Assyrian.

God is known in Judea, and His name is great in Israel. And His place was in the world, and His dwelling place in Zion. There He shattered the strength of the bows, the weapons, and the sword, and the battle. You shine wonderfully from the eternal mountains. All the foolish in heart were troubled, they fell asleep in their sleep, and all the rich men found nothing in their hands. At Thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, those who mounted their horses slumbered. Thou art terrible, and who can resist Thee? From that time Thy wrath (was revealed): Thou didst proclaim Thy judgment from heaven: the earth was afraid, and was silent, When God arose in judgment to save all the meek of the earth. Therefore the thought of man will glorify Thee, and even the remnant of the thought will solemnly glorify Thee. Pray and give (praise) to the Lord our God! All who are around Him will bring gifts: to Him who fears and takes away the spirit of princes, Who is terrible to the kings of the earth.

76. In the end. Through Idithum. Psalm of Asaph.

With my voice I cried unto the Lord, with my voice unto God, and he hearkened unto me. In the day of my affliction I sought God, with my hands I prayed before him at night, and I was not deceived. My soul refused consolation. I remembered God and rejoiced, meditated, and my spirit was faint-hearted. My eyes were preceded by the (night) watches, and I was troubled, and did not speak. I thought of the days of old, and remembered the eternal years, and learned. By night in my heart I pondered, and my spirit tried: Will the Lord reject forever and no longer be well pleased? Or will He cut off His mercy forever? Has he finished the word from generation to generation? Will God forget to show mercy? Or will He keep His mercies in His wrath? And I said, Now have I begun (to understand): this is a change of the right hand of the Most High. I have remembered the works of the Lord, for I will remember Thy original wonders, and I will learn in all Thy works, and meditate on Thy works. Gosh! In holiness is Thy way. Who is God (so) great as our God? You, the God who works miracles, have made known your power to the nations. Thou hast delivered thy people with thy arm, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. The waters have seen Thee, O God, the waters have seen Thee, and they have been afraid, the depths have trembled, A mighty sound of the waters: a voice from afar is clouds, for Thy arrows have flown out. The voice of Thy thunder is in the vault (of heaven): Thy lightnings have shone upon the world, and the earth is moved, and trembled. Thy ways are in the sea, and thy paths are in deep waters, and thy footsteps shall not be known. Thou hast led thy people like sheep by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Glory: According to the 10th kathisma, the Trisagion. The same troparia, tone 6: 

I am terrified of the dreadful day of Thy coming, O Christ, and fear the unwashed judgment seat, O Lord, I am terrified and tremble, for I have a multitude of sins, but before the end, as God is merciful, turn me and save me, O my Saviour, the Most Merciful.

Glory: When thrones are set up for judgment, O Lord, and men stand before Thy judgment seat: the king of a warrior is not preferred, nor the lord of a servant: for he who is either glorified or ashamed by his deeds. And now: Thou hast been vouchsafed great gifts, O Pure Virgin Mother of God, for Thou hast given birth in the flesh to the One of the Trinity, Christ the Giver of Life, for the salvation of our souls.

Lord, have mercy (40) and the prayer:

O Lord our God, Rich in mercy and Incomprehensible in mercies, Alone by nature Sinless, and for our sake, besides sin, being a Man, hear in this hour this painful prayer of mine, for I am poor and wretched from good works, and my heart is troubled within me.

As if I had fallen into despair, and had no sense of conversion, I was empty and naked because of Thy friendship. For what kind of sin have you not committed? What demonic deed have you not done? What deed of fornication and fornication has not been done with precedence and diligence? The mind with the remembrance of the defilements of the flesh, the body with the mixture of defilements, the spirit with the confinement of the defiled, all the accursed ones of my flesh serve and work with the sin of those who love it. And who else does not weep for me, the accursed one? Who will not weep for me, who am condemned? For I alone, O Lord, have provoked Thy wrath, I have kindled Thy wrath against me, I have done evil before Thee, having surpassed and conquered all sinners from eternity, incomparably sinful and unforgiven.

For Thou hast not laid down repentance for the righteous, Thou hast not given forgiveness to those who have not sinned, but Thou hast laid down repentance for me, a sinner, for whom I have done Thy indignation, naked and naked before Thee, O Lord Who knows the heart, confess my sins: for I cannot look and see the heights of Heaven, because of the weight of my sins. Enlighten the eyes of my heart and grant me tenderness for repentance, and contrition of heart for correction, that with good hope and true assurance I may go to the world there, praising and blessing Thy all-holy name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages, Amen.