The Psalter of the Prophet David (in Russian translation by P. Yungerov)

The Lord reigned, clothed Himself with splendor, the Lord clothed Himself with power, and girded Himself, for He established the universe, which shall be immovable. Thy throne has been prepared from eternity: Thou hast existed from eternity. The rivers have lifted up, O Lord, the rivers have lifted up their voices, The rivers will lift up their waves high, because of the noisy movement of many waters: Wondrous are the high waves of the sea, wondrous is the Lord in the highest, Thy revelations are exceedingly true. Thy house, O Lord, becometh holiness for long days.

93. Psalm of David. On the fourth (day) of the week.

The God of vengeance, the Lord, the God of vengeance, has appeared. Arise, Judge of the earth, give recompense to the proud! How long will sinners, O Lord, how long will sinners boast? Will they pronounce and speak unrighteousness, will all who commit iniquity speak? Thy people, O Lord, they have despised Thy people, and have wronged Thy inheritance, they have slain the widow and the fatherless, and they have slain the stranger, and they have said, The Lord shall not see, neither shall God know Jacob. Come to your senses, you fools among the people, and fools at last, understand! Does not he who made the ear hear? Or does not He who created the eye see? Will not He who instructs the nations, He who teaches man understanding, rebuke? The Lord knows the thoughts of men, that they are vain. Blessed is the man whom Thou wilt instruct, O Lord, and teach of Thy law, that he may remain meek, from the day of tribulation, until a pit is dug for the sinner. For the Lord will not reject His people, nor forsake His inheritance, until righteousness returns to judgment, and all who hold to it are upright in heart. Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Or who will stand with me against those who do iniquity? If the Lord had not helped me, my soul would soon have dwelt in hell. When I said, "My foot is shaken," then Thy mercy, O Lord, helped me. As my sorrows multiplied in my heart, Thy consolations rejoiced my soul. Let not the throne of iniquity be inherent in Thee, which makes a burden contrary to Thy commandment: they shall persecute the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood. But the Lord was my refuge, and my God was my sure help. And the Lord will repay them for their iniquity, and because of their wickedness the Lord our God will destroy them.


94. Song of Praise. David. Not inscribed in Hebrews.

Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, let us cry out to God our Saviour. Let us stand before Him in confession, and in the Psalms let us cry out to Him: For God is great, the Lord, and the King is great in all the earth, in His hand are all the ends of the earth, and the tops of the mountains, for His is the sea, and He created it, and the dry land His hands have made. Come, let us worship and fall down before Him, and let us weep before the Lord Who created us. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Now, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as you did when you provoked anger in the day of temptation in the wilderness, where (says the Lord) "your fathers tempted Me, they tempted Me, and they saw My works. For forty years I was indignant with that generation, and said, They are always in error in their hearts, and they themselves have not known My ways. Therefore I have sworn in my wrath that they will not enter into my rest."

95. David's Song of Praise. When the house was being built, after the captivity. Not inscribed in Hebrews.

Sing a new song to the Lord, sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing praises to the Lord, bless His name, preach daily the tidings of His salvation. Proclaim His glory among the nations, His wonders in all nations. For the Lord is great, and exceedingly glorious, fearful to all the gods. For all the gods of the Gentiles are demons, but the Lord created the heavens. Confession and beauty before Him, holiness and splendor in His sanctuary. Bring to the Lord, fatherlands of nations, give glory and honor to the Lord! Give the Lord the glory of His name, take sacrifices, and enter into His courts. Worship the Lord in His holy court. Let the whole earth be moved at His presence! Tell the nations that the Lord has reigned and established a universe that does not move, He will judge the nations in righteousness. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth rejoice, let the sea be stirred, and what fills it! The fields and all that is in them shall rejoice, then shall all the trees of the oak rejoice at the presence of the Lord, for he is coming, for he is coming to judge the earth, to judge the world in righteousness, and the nations in his truth.

96. Psalm of David. When his land was settled. Not inscribed in Hebrews.

The Lord reigned, let the earth rejoice, let the many islands rejoice! The cloud and darkness around Him, righteousness and judgment, are the foundation of His throne. Fire shall pass before him, and shall burn round about his enemies. The lightnings shone upon His world, and the earth saw and trembled. The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of all the earth. The heavens have declared His righteousness, and all the nations have seen His glory. Let all those who worship idols, who boast of their idols, be ashamed. Worship Him, all His angels! Zion heard and rejoiced, and the daughters of Judah rejoiced because of Thy judgments, O Lord. For Thou art the Lord Most High above all the earth, exalted exceedingly above all gods. Those who love the Lord, hate evil! The Lord preserves the souls of His saints, He will deliver them from the hand of the sinner. Light shone for the righteous, and joy for the righteous heart. Rejoice, O righteous ones, in the Lord, and confess the remembrance of His holiness.


97. Psalm of David.

Sing a new song to the Lord, for the Lord hath wrought wondrous things: His right hand and His holy arm have saved him. The Lord has manifested His salvation, He has revealed His righteousness before the nations. He remembered His mercy to Jacob and His truth to the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth saw the salvation of our God. Cry out to God, all the earth, sing, and rejoice, and sing! Sing to the Lord with the harp, with the harp, and with the voice of the psalm! With forged trumpets and the sound of a horn trumpet, sound before the King, the Lord! Let the sea be stirred and what fills it, the universe and all who live in it! Let the rivers and mountains applaud together, let them rejoice at the presence of the Lord, for He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth, to judge the world in righteousness, and the nations in righteousness.

98. Psalm of David.