«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Dmitry Evmenov



(Ph.D. thesis at the Department of Sect Studies at the Orthodox Theological St. Tikhon's Institute (Moscow), December 1998)

... noticing the similarity in heresy with the pious faith, they talk about the fact that heretics do not assert anything evil. Verily, this means the same as calling Caiaphas a Christian, counting Judas the traitor among the Apostles, asserting that those who asked Barabbas did nothing wrong instead of the Saviour, proving that Imenaeus and Alexander are well-meaning people, and the Apostle lies about them. But a Christian cannot listen to this patiently...

St. Athanasius the Great

On Ariane, the first word



Chapter 1. Background to the Watch Tower Society

1.1 Historical and ideological prerequisites for the emergence of the sect

1.2 History and teaching of Adventism

1.3. Sect of Jehovah's Witnesses (Right Hand Brothers)

Chapter 2. History and Features of the Activities of Jehovah's Witnesses

2.1. The history of the sect from the emergence to the death of Russell

2.2. The history of the sect from the death of Russell to the death of Rutherford

2.3. History of the sect from Rutherford's death to the present

2.4. The Structure of the Sect and the Methods of Its Registration in Different Countries

2.5. The Activities of the Sect "Jehovah's Witnesses" in Russia and in Other Countries

2.5.1. A Brief History of the Activities of the Russian "Jehovah's Witnesses"