«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

41 Hoekema A. Ukaz. cit., p. 225.

42 "Watch Tower" can be written in one word, as in the name of the New York Sect Corporation, but it can also be written in two words, as in the name of the Pennsylvania State Corporation. In the same way, the Society's main magazine, The Watchtower, originally used a two-word name, but since 1931 it has been a one-word name. Nowadays, both forms of writing are used.

43 Zion’s Watch Tower. — 1894. — 25 apr. — P. 59.

44 Hoekema A. ????. with??. P. 226.

45 Ross D. Some Facts about the Self-Appointed "Pastor" Charles T. Russell. St. Petersburg, B.G. P. 1.

46 Ibidem.

47 Ibid.

48 Walter M. Tsarstvo kultov. St. Petersburg, 1982. P. 42.

49 Ibid. P.43.

50 Russell Ch. T. Thy Kingdom come. New York, 1918. P. 153.

51 The study of pyramidology and the search for mystical meanings in the twists and turns of the corridors of the pyramids with a high degree of probability testifies to some connection with occult teachings. Moreover, after Russell's death, "The Watchtower" of June 15, 1922 wrote: "In the great pyramid of Giza, the coincidence of one or two dimensions with the chronology of the existing truth could be accidental, but the correspondence of dozens of dimensions proves that one and the same God created both the pyramid and the plan, and at the same time proves the correctness of the chronology."

52 Watch Tower. Pennsylvania. — 1910. — 15 Sep. — P. 7.

E-53 Wake up. New York. — 1951. — 8 Sep. — P. 26.

54 Alexander (Novopashin), Archpriest, V. Melnikov What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Testify About? Novosibirsk, 1996. P.4.

55 Reed, D. Where is the Watchtower Society going? St. Petersburg, B.g. P. 2.

56 For more details, see R. Franz, The Crisis of Conscience. Moscow, 1997. P. 478.

57 Ibidem. P. 480.

58 Macmillan A. H. Faith on the March. Englewood Cliffs, 1957. C. 80.

59 Watch Tower. New York. — 1959. - Oct. — P. 7.

60 Rutherford. D. Ciliy svit i zakolit chomu? B.m., B.g. P. 21.

61 Reed D. Ukaz. cit., p.3.