The Book of Ecclesiastes in Russian Translation from the Greek Text LXX, with Notes

G. ‡de — to see, as Hebrew, so and gr. The interpreters give the word the meaning: test, synod. Enjoy.


Slav. The Undergrowth of the Corresponding Forces. vulg. errorem, and according to Gr. perifor¦n — whirling, instability, wandering, the same as "the agitation of the spirit" (1, 14).


Will you bring happiness to a person?


Are not my mind and heart as attractive to my body as wine? Grieg. Nis. and Grieg. Chudotv.


Slav. I correspond. me — complex, ald., 68, 106, 147,... Ancient Italian, in ancient net.


Slav. to keep the merriment of the corresponding. kratÁsai ™p' eÙfrosÚnhn — to dominate and rule over merriment, and not to submit to it.


G. poioàsin — Ald., 147, 159 — Slav. create, and poi"sousin ch. poišw means: to acquire, to achieve, to receive.


'En ¢riqmù (23, 253, and ob. ¢riqmÕn) on the number determined by God. 5, 17.


G. ™meg£luna — be magnified.


G. parade… souj — rai.


Гр. drumÕn blastînta xÚla — рощу, выращающую деревья, по нашему: "школу", въ которой выращаются дорогія породы. Слав. прозябеніе древесъ, каж., перифразъ.

Гр. ktÁsij — слав. стяжаніе, сущ. переводимъ глаголомъ.

Слав. злато и сребро соотв. чт. Григ. Чудотв. crusoà kaˆ ¢rgÚrou, а об. по евр., гр. и лат. переставлено: серебро и золото.

Много разъ встрѣчающееся въ 4—8 ст. мѣстоим. себѣ, мнѣ, для себя, для меня, — оттѣняетъ эгоистическій характеръ "трудовъ" Екклесіаста: онъ все дѣлалъ для себя, а не для другихъ. Лук. 12, 18—19. Іак. 5, 5.