The Book of Ecclesiastes in Russian Translation from the Greek Text LXX, with Notes

Chapter II.

1. And I said in my heart, "Give[30] that I will try you with gladness, and enjoy good things." But behold, this is also vanity!

2. To the slight I said, "Sinfulness",[32] and to gladness, "What hast thou done"[33]?

3. And I observed, Shall not my heart draw my flesh like wine? [34] And my heart guided me[35] in wisdom, to keep me from rejoicing,[36] until I see that it is good for the children of men, which they will acquire[37] under the sun in the appointed days of their lives.

4. I have done[39] great works: I have built houses for myself, I have planted vineyards for myself,

5. He made for himself gardens and parks,[40] and planted in them all kinds of fruitful trees.

6. I have built myself cisterns for irrigating the trees that grow from them[41].

7. I took male and female servants, and I had household, and I owned[42] a multitude of cattle and flocks, more than all that were before me in Jerusalem.

8. I have gathered up gold and silver[43] and the riches of kings and countries; He has had[44] singers and singers, and the delights of the sons of men, cupbearers and cupbearers[45].

9. And I was magnified, and gained wisdom[46] more than all that were before me in Jerusalem, and my wisdom[47] dwelt with me.

10. And in all that my eyes desired, I did not refuse them, nor did I forbid my heart any of my joys,[48] for my heart rejoiced in all my labors[49]. And this was my share[50] of all my labor.

11. And I looked at all my works that my hands had done, and at the labor I had done to do them, and behold, all are vanity and turmoil of spirit, and there is no profit[51] under the sun!

12. And I have carefully examined[52] wisdom, error,[53] and foolishness (to know): if any man follows (wise) conscience, what will he achieve[54] under him[55]?

13. And I saw that wisdom has the advantage over foolishness, as the light has the advantage over darkness: