Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse

(1) To the leader: to the shoshanim-eidut. Psalm of Asaph. (2) Shepherd of Yisrael! Hearken, O leader of Yoseif, like sheep! (3) Thou who sits on keruvs, appear! In the presence of Ephraim, and Binyamin, and Menasheh, awaken Thy power and come to our aid! (4) G-d, bring us back and shine with Your face, and we will be saved! G-rd G-d Ts-vaot! (5) How long will you be indignant at the prayer of your people? (6) You fed them with the bread of tears, and you gave them tears to drink, a great measure. (7) You have made us a strife for our neighbors, and our enemies mock (us) to themselves. G-d Ts-vaot! (8) Bring us back and shine with your face, and we will be saved! (9) You brought the vine out of Egypt, drove out the nations, and planted it. (10) You have made (a place) for it and strengthened its roots, and it has filled the country. (11) The mountains are covered with its shadow, and its branches are (like) the cedars of G-d. (12) She stretched out her branches to the sea, and to the river (Perat) her shoots. (13) Why did you break down her fences? And it is robbed by all who pass along the way. (14) The boar of the forest gnaws at it, and the beast of the field devours it. G-d Ts-vaot! (15) Come back, I beg you, look down from heaven and see, and remember this vine, (16) And the sprout of it that your right hand has planted, and the shoots that you have strengthened! (17) Burned with fire, circumcised, they will perish at your cry! (18) May your hand be over the man of your right hand, over the son of man whom you have strengthened. (19) And we will not depart from you; revive us, and let us call upon Thy name! G-rd G-d Ts-vaot! (20) Bring us back (and) shine with your face, and we will be saved!


(1) To the leader: on gittit. (Psalm) Asaph. (2) Sing praises to G-d, our strength, shout out to the G-d of Jacob! (3) Lift up the singing, give the tympanum, the kinnor, (sounding) pleasant, and the harp. (4) Blow the shofar on the new moon, at the appointed time, for our feast day, (5) For this is the law for Yisrael, a decree from G-d Jacob. (6) He made him a testimony to Joseph when he went out into the land of Egypt. A tongue which I did not understand, I heard. (7) I took the load from his shoulder, and his hands were freed from the cauldron. (8) In distress you have cried, and I have saved you, I have answered you from the hiding place of thunder, I have tested you by the waters of Mei-Meribah. Sal! (9) Listen, my people, and I will warn you, Yisrael! (Oh), if only you would obey Me! (10) You will not have a strange G-d, and you will not worship a foreign G-d! (11) I am the L-rd your G-d, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. (12) And my people did not listen to my voice, and Yisrael did not want to obey me. (13) And I drove them away because of the stubbornness of their hearts, so let them follow their thoughts; (14) If my people had obeyed me, if Israel had walked in my ways, (15) I would have subdued their enemies in an instant, and I would have turned my hand against their oppressors. (16) Those who hate the LORD would fawn before Him (Yisrael), and their time would be eternal. (17) And he (Yisrael) would feed him with the fat of wheat, and I would feed you with honey from the rock.


(1) The Psalm of Asaph. G-d stands (is present) in the community of G-d, He judges among the judges. How long will you judge unrighteously, and give preference to the wicked? Sal! (3) Judge the poor and the fatherless, judge the oppressed and the needy righteously. (4) Rescue the poor and needy, save them from the hand of the wicked. (5) They do not know or understand, but all the foundations of the earth walk in darkness, they are shaken. (6) I said, "You are angels, and you are all sons of the Most High. 7 However, as a man, you will die, and like any dignitary, you will fall. (8) Arise, O G-d, judge the earth, for you will inherit all nations.


(1) Song. Psalm of Asaph. (2) G-d, let you have no rest, do not be silent, and do not be calm, (3) G-d, for behold, your enemies are making a noise, and those who hate you have lifted up their heads. (4) They plot evil against your people in secret, and take counsel about those whom you preserve. (5) They said, "Let us go and destroy them, so that they may cease to be a people; and let the name of Yisrael be mentioned no more! (6) For they are of one accord in counsel, and they make an alliance against you. (7) The tents of Edom and the Yishmeeiltes, Moab and Agrim, (8) Ebal and Ammon and Amaleik, Pelesheth with the people of Zorah, (9) And Ashur joined them, and they helped the sons of Lot. Sal! (10) Do unto them as to Midian, as to Sisra, as to Jabin in the brook of Kishon, (11) To those who were destroyed in Ain Dor, who became dung to the earth. (12) Do to them, to their rulers, as to Oreib, and as to Zeebeh, and as to Zebach, and as to Zalmunna, to all their princes, (13) Who said, "Let us take possession of the dwellings of G-d." (14) My God! Make them like tumbleweeds, like straw before the wind. (15) As fire burns up the forest, and as flames scorch the mountains, (16) So pursue them with your storm and bring fear upon them with your whirlwind. (17) Fill their faces with shame until they seek your name, O L-rd. (18) May they be ashamed and terrified forever, and be put to shame, and perish! (19) And let them know that You are one, Your name is the L-rd, (You) are the Most High, over all the earth!


(1) To the leader: on gittit. Psalm of the sons of Korach. (2) How beloved are Thy dwellings, O L-rd Z-vaot! (3) My soul yearns and yearns for the courts of the L-rd, my heart and my flesh sing to the living G-d. (4) And the bird finds a home, and the swallow finds a nest for himself, where he lays his young. (And I) am at Thy altars, O L-rd Ts-vaot, my King and my G-d. (5) Happy are those who dwell in your house, and they will always praise you. Sal! (6) Happy is the man whose strength is in you, and the way is in their hearts. (7) Those who pass through the Baha Valley turn it into a spring, and the spring rain envelops (it) with blessing. (8) They go from strength to strength, and he will appear before G-d in Tzion, L-rd G-d Z-vaot! (9) Listen to my prayer, hearken, O G-d of Jacob, sela! (10) Our shield! Look, G-d, and look at the face of Your anointed! (11) For a day in your courts is better than a thousand. I prefer to stand at the threshold of my G-d's house than to live in the tents of iniquity. (12) For the sun and the shield are the L-rd G-d, the L-rd gives mercy and glory, the L-rd does not deprive those who walk in integrity of the good, L-rd Z-vaot! (13) Happy is the man who trusts in You!


(1) To the manager. Psalm of the sons of Korach. (2) Thou hast pleased thy country, O LORD, and hast restored the captivity of Jacob. (3) Thou hast forgiven the sin of thy people, and hid all their sins. Sal! (4) You have put away all your indignation, you have turned away the fury of your wrath. (5) Return to us, O G-d of our salvation, and stop your wrath against us. (6) Will you be angry with us forever, prolonging your anger from age to age? (7) For you will revive us again, and your people will rejoice in you. (8) Show us, O L-rd, your mercy and give us your help. (9) I will hear what G-d, the LORD, has to say, for he promises peace to his people and to his godly people, if only they do not fall back into foolishness. (10) Verily, his salvation is near to those who fear him, so that glory may dwell in our country. (11) Mercy and truth have met, justice and peace have been united. (12) (When) righteousness grows from the earth, justice comes from heaven, (13) And the LORD will give good, and our land will give its fruit. (14) Justice will go before him, and he will guide her in the path of his feet.


(1) David's Prayer. Incline Thy ear, O L-rd, and answer me, for I am oppressed and helpless. (2) Save my soul, for I am pious, save Thou my G-d, Thy servant who trusts in Thee! (3) Have mercy on me, O L-rd, for I have been crying out to you all day long. (4) Rejoice the soul of your servant, for to you, O L-rd, I lift up my soul, (5) For you, O L-rd, are kind, and forgiving, and abundant in mercy to all who call on you. (6) Hearken, O Lord, to my prayer, and listen to the voice of my supplications! (7) In the day of my affliction I call upon you, because you will answer me. (8) There is no one like You among G-d, O L-rd, and there are no deeds like Yours. (9) All the nations that you have created will come and worship you, O L-rd, and glorify your name, (10) For you are great and do wonders, you are G-d, you are the only one. (11) Teach me, O L-rd, your way, I will walk in your righteousness, direct my heart only to fear your name. (12) I will praise you, O L-rd my G-d, with all my heart and praise your name forever, (13) Because your mercy is great over me, and you have saved my soul from the depths of hell. (14) G-d, the wicked have risen up against me, and a crowd of the cruel are seeking my soul, but you have not been brought before them. (15) But You, L-rd, are G-d, merciful and merciful, long-suffering and great in good deeds and truth. (16) Turn to me and have mercy on me, give strength to your servant, and help the son of your servant. (17) Do a good sign for me, and those who hate me will see and be ashamed, for you, the LORD, have helped me and comforted me.