Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse

(1) Psalm of the sons of Korach. Canto. His foundations are on the mountains of the saints. (2) The LORD loves the gates of Ziyon more than all the mansions of Jacob. (3) Glorious things are told about You, O city of G-d! (4) Let me remind you of Rahab (Egypt) and Babel, who know me. Here is Peleshet and Tzor and Kush: so-and-so was born there. (5) And of Cyon it will be said, "Everyone was born in him, and He, (6) the Most High, will strengthen him." The L-rd will write in the census of the nations: "So-and-so was born there." Sal! (7) Both those who sing and those who dance are all my sources in you.


(1) Song. Psalm of the sons of Korach. To the leader: to the mahalat leanot. (2) Maskil Eiman Ezrahi. L-rd, G-d of my salvation! By day I cried, by night before Thee. (3) Let my prayer come to you, incline your ear to my call, (4) For my soul is full of afflictions, and my life has reached hell. (5) I am numbered among those who descend into the grave, I have become as a man without strength. (6) Among the dead, I am free, like those who are slain in the grave, whom you remember no more, and they are cut off by your hand. (7) You have laid me in the pit of hell, in dark places, in the abyss. (8) Your wrath weighs me down, and with all your waves you have tormented me. Sal! (9) You have removed my friends from me, you have made me an abomination to them, and I am imprisoned and cannot go out. (10) My eye aches with suffering, I call upon You, O L-rd, every day, I have stretched out my hands to You. (11) Do you work miracles for the dead? Will the departed arise and glorify You? Sal! (12) Will they tell in the grave of your mercy and of your faithfulness in hell? (13) Will your miracle be known in the darkness, and your justice in the land of forgetfulness? (14) And I cry out to You, O L-rd, and in the morning my prayer comes before You. (15) Why, O L-rd, do you leave my soul, hide your face from me? (16) I am exhausted and dying, I endure Your horrors, I am afraid! (17) Your wrath has passed away over me, your terrors have destroyed me, (18) All day long they surround me like water, they have surrounded me together. (19) You have removed from me a lover and a friend, my acquaintances are darkness.


(1) Maskil Eitan Ezrahi. (2) I will sing the mercies of the LORD forever, I will proclaim Thy faithfulness with my lips from generation to generation. (3) For I thought, "The light is made by mercy, in the heavens, and there you have confirmed your faithfulness." (4) "I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I swore to David my servant. (5) I will establish your descendants for ever, and I will build your throne forever!" (6) The heavens will praise your miracle, O L-rd, and your faithfulness in the assembly of the saints. (7) For who in heaven can be compared to the Lord, who will be like the LORD among the sons of the mighty? (8) We revere G-d in the great assembly of saints, and He is feared by all those around Him. G-rd G-d Ts-vaot! (9) Who is as strong as You, L-rd? (10) And your faithfulness is all around you! You rule over the pride of the sea; when its waves are heaving, Thou hast tamed them. (11) You humbled Rahab as a poor man with your mighty arm; Thou hast scattered Thy enemies. (12) Your heaven and your earth, the universe and all that fills it, you have created. (13) North and south, you created them, and Tavor and Harmon rejoice in your name. (14) You have a muscle with strength, your hand is strong, your right hand is lifted up. (15) Justice and justice are the foundation of your throne, mercy and truth before you. (16) Happy are the people who know how to blow the trumpet. L-rd, they walk in the light of Thy countenance. (17) They rejoice in your name all the day, and they are exalted by your justice, (18) For you are the glory of their power, and by your good pleasure our horn is exalted. (19) For from the LORD is our shield, from holy Yisrael is our king. (20) Then you spoke in a prophetic vision to your pious ones, saying, "I have given help to the hero, I have exalted the chosen one from among the people!" (21) I found David my servant and anointed him with my holy oil, (22) the one with whom my hand will be with and whom my arm will strengthen. (23) The enemy will not oppress him, and the evildoer will not torment him. (24) And I will crush before him those who oppress him and smite those who hate him. (25) And my faithfulness and my mercy are with him, and in my name his horn will be exalted. (26) And I will stretch out his hand to the sea, and his right hand to the rivers, (27) He will call to me: "My Father, you are my G-d, and the bulwark of my salvation!" (28) And I will make him the firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. (29) I will preserve my mercy to him forever, and my covenant with him will be faithful. (30) And I will make his descendants everlasting, and his throne as the days of heaven. (31) If his sons forsake my Torah and do not follow my laws, (32) If they defile my statutes and do not keep my commandments, (33) I will punish them with a rod for their transgressions, and for their sin with plagues. (34) But I will not take away my mercy from him, nor will I deceive him in my faithfulness. (35) I will not break my covenant, and I will not change what has come out of my mouth. (36) Once I swore an oath of my holiness, "I will not lie to David!" (37) His descendants will endure forever, and his throne is like the sun before me. (38) Like the moon, he will be established forever, and the faithful witness will be in the heavens. Sal! (39) But you have forsaken and hated, you are angry with your anointed. (40) You have despised the covenant with your servant, you have defiled him, and you have cast his crown on the ground. (41) You have broken through all its fences, and you have turned its fortresses into ruins. (42) He was plundered by all who passed along the way, and he became a laughing stock to his neighbors. (43) You have exalted the right hand of his oppressors, and you have made all his enemies gladden. (44) You turned back the edge of his sword and prevented him from standing in the war. (45) You took away his splendor and threw his throne to the ground. (46) You shortened the days of his youth and clothed him with shame. Sal! (47) How long, O L-rd, will you hide forever? How long shall Thy wrath burn like fire? (48) Remember how (insignificant) life is! For what vanity hast Thou created all the sons of men! (49) Who (that) man (who) lives and does not see death will save his soul from the hand of hell? Sal! (50) Where are your former mercies, O L-rd? Thou didst swear Thy faithfulness to David! (51) Remember, O L-rd, the reproach of your servants that I bear in my bosom, (from) all the nations that are numerous, (52) with whom your enemies dishonor, O L-rd, with whom the steps of your anointed one are dishonored! (53) Blessed be the L-rd forever. Amain and Amain!


(1) The prayer of Moshe, the man of G-d. O L-rd, Thou wast our abode from generation to generation. (2) Before the mountains were born, and before Thou didst create the earth and the universe, and from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art G-d! (3) You make man exhausted and say, "Return, sons of men!" (4) For a thousand years are in Thy sight as the day of yesterday when it was past, and as the watch of the night (a third of the night). (5) You wash them away, and they are like sleep in the morning, like grass that disappears, (6) In the morning it blooms and grows, and in the evening it withers and withers. (7) For we have been destroyed by your wrath and frightened by your wrath; (8) You keep our transgressions before you, and the sins of our youth before the light of your countenance. (9) For all our days have passed in your wrath, and we have wasted our years like a sound. (10) The days of our years are seventy years, and if they are strong, they are eighty years, and their arrogance is vanity and falsehood, for they flash by quickly, and we die. (11) Who knows the power of your wrath? And Thy wrath is like the fear (which Thou inspires). (12) Teach us to count our days in such a way that we may acquire a wise heart. (13) Return, L-rd! As long as? And have mercy on Thy servants! (14) Feed us in the morning with your mercy, and we will rejoice and be glad all our days. (15) Rejoice us in proportion to the days (when) you caused us to suffer, the years (when) we saw calamity. (16) May your deed be manifested before your servants, and your glory be upon their sons. (17) And may the mercy of the L-rd our G-d be upon us, and confirm the work of our hands for us, and confirm the work of our hands.


(1) He who lives under the shelter of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. (2) I will say to the L-rd, My refuge and my strength is my G-d, in whom I trust, (3) For he will save you from the snare of the fowler, from the pestilence of destruction. (4) With his wings he will cover you, and under his wings you will find refuge, shield, and armor – his faithfulness. (5) Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror of the night, of the arrow that flies by day, (6) Pestilence that walks in the darkness, of the plague that snatches away at noon. (7) A thousand will fall beside you, and ten thousand at your right hand, and it will not reach you. (8) Only with your eyes will you see, and you will see the retribution of the wicked, (9) For you, (said), "O Lord, are my bulwark, you have made the Most High your abode. (10) No calamity will befall you, and no calamity will come near your tent, (11) For he will command his angels about you to keep you in all your ways. (12) In their arms they will carry you so that your foot will not trip over a stone. (13) If you tread on the lion and the adder, you will trample on the lion and the dragon. (14) "For he has loved me, and I will deliver him, I will strengthen him, for he has come to know my name. (15) He will call to me, and I will answer him, I am with him in distress, I will save him and glorify him. (16) I will satisfy him with long life, and I will let him see my salvation."


(1) Psalm. Hymn for the Sabbath Day. (2) It is good to praise the L-rd and sing to Thy name, O Most High, (3) To proclaim Thy mercy in the morning and Thy faithfulness by night, (4) On the ten-stringed and on the harp, with a solemn song on the kinnor, (5) Because Thou hast made me glad, O L-rd, by Thy work, by the works of Thy hands I rejoice. (6) How majestic are Thy works, O L-rd, very deep are Thy thoughts. (7) An ignorant man does not know, and a fool does not understand this. (8) When the wicked grow like grass, and all those who do iniquity prosper, (this is in order to be cut off forever). (9) And you, O L-rd, are exalted forever. (10) For these are your enemies, O LORD, for behold, your enemies will perish, and all those who do iniquity will be scattered. (11) And you have lifted up my horn like a unicorn, and I am anointed with fresh oil." (12) And my eye has seen how my enemies have fallen, and my ears have heard of the evildoers who rise up against me. (13) A righteous man will blossom like a palm tree, like a cedar in Levanon, he will be exalted. (14) Planted in the house of the L-rd, they will blossom in the courts of our G-d. (15) And in old age they will grow, they will become fat and succulent, (16) To proclaim that the LORD, my strength, is just, and there is no injustice in him.


(1) The L-rd is the King, He is clothed with majesty, the L-rd is clothed with power, girded with power, and (therefore) the universe is established, it will not be shaken. (2) Thy throne was established from of old, Thou art from time immemorial. (3) The rivers have lifted up, O L-rd, the rivers have lifted up their voices, the rivers are raising their noise. (4) Stronger than the sound of many waters, the mighty waves of the sea, the LORD is on high. (5) Your testimonies are perfectly true, holiness befits your house, O L-rd, forever.