Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse

(1) G-d of vengeance, L-rd, G-d of vengeance, appear! (2) Arise, Judge of the earth, and render justice to the arrogant! (3) How long shall the wicked, O L-rd, how long shall the wicked rejoice? (4) All those who do iniquity talk and speak arrogantly, boast; (5) Thy people, O L-rd, are oppressed, and thy inheritance is tormented, (6) Widows and strangers are slain, and fatherless are slain. (7) And they say, "The LORD does not see and does not understand G-d Jacob." 8 Understand, then, you ignorant of the people! And you, fools, when will you come to your senses? (9) Does not he who made the ear hear, or he who created the eye does not see? (10) He who punishes the nations, for He who teaches man knowledge will punish you. (11) The Lord knows a man's thoughts, (knows) that they are vain. (12) Happy is the man whom You, O L-rd, punish and teach Your Torah, (13) To give him rest in the days of trouble, until a pit is dug for the wicked. (14) For the LORD will not forsake his people, nor will he leave his inheritance, (15) For judgment will return to justice, and after it will all the uprighteous. (16) Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against those who do iniquity? (17) If it had not been for the L-rd to help me, my soul would soon have settled in the grave. (18) If I said, "My foot is shaken," Your mercy, O L-rd, sustained me. (19) When I have many anxieties, your comforts encourage my soul. (20) Will the one who sits on the throne of wickedness, who makes iniquity a law (to himself), become your friend? (21) In crowds they gather against the soul of the righteous and accuse the blood of the innocent. (22) But the LORD was my bulwark, and my G-d was the rock of my protection. (23) And he recompensed them for their iniquity, and for their wickedness he destroyed them, the LORD our G-d destroyed them.


(1) Come, let us sing to the LORD, shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation! (2) Let us stand before Him with thanksgiving, let us cry out to Him with songs, (3) For G-d is the great L-rd and the great King over all the gods, (4) In whose hand are the depths of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are His; (5) To whom the sea belongs, he made it, and his hands made the dry land. (6) Come, let us bow down and bow our knees before the Lord, (7) our Creator, for he is our G-d, and we are the people, his flock, the sheep of his hand. (Oh), if you would listen to His voice now! (8) Do not harden your heart, as in Meribah on the day of Masse in the wilderness, (9) When your fathers tried me, they tried me and saw my work. (10) For forty years I had had a generation (this), and I said, "They are a people with a lost heart, and they do not know my ways," (11) So I swore in my wrath that they would not enter my rest.


(1) Sing a new song to the LORD, sing to the LORD – all the earth! (2) Sing to the L-rd, bless his name, proclaim his help day by day. (3) Tell the nations of his glory, and his wonders among all the nations. (4) For the L-rd is great and very glorified, he is awesome above all the gods. (5) For all the deities of the nations are idols, but the LORD created the heavens. (6) Glory and splendor in his sight, power and beauty in his sanctuary. (7) Render glory to the L-rd, families of nations, give glory and power to the L-rd (praise Him) (8) Give glory to the L-rd to His name, bring the gift, and come into His courts. (9) Worship the L-rd in the splendor of the holy place, tremble before Him, all the earth! (10) Say among the nations, "The LORD is the King, and (therefore) the universe is established, it will not be shaken. He will judge the nations righteously. (11) May the heavens rejoice, and the earth rejoice, and the sea and everything that fills it will roar. (12) Let the fields and all that is in them rejoice, and then all the trees of the forest will sing. (13) Before the LORD, for he is coming, because he is coming to judge the earth, he will judge the world with justice and the nations with his truth.


(1) The L-rd is the King! The earth will rejoice, and many islands will rejoice. (2) The cloud and the darkness round about him, justice and justice, are the foundation of his throne. (3) Fire goes before him, and devours his enemies around him. (4) The lightnings illuminate his world, and the earth sees and trembles. (5) Mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth. (6) The heavens declare his justice, and all the nations see his glory. (7) All those who serve the image and boast of idols will be ashamed. Worship Him, all you deities. (8) Cyon heard and rejoiced, and the daughters of Judah rejoiced at your judgments, O LORD. (9) For You, the L-rd, are exalted above all the earth, exalted above all the gods. (10) Those who love the L-rd, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His godly, saves them from the hand of the wicked. (11) Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for the upright. (12) Rejoice, you righteous ones, to the L-rd, and glorify His holy name.


(1) Psalm. Sing a new song to the L-rd, for He has wrought miracles, His right hand and His holy arm have helped Him. (2) The LORD made known his help, and made his justice known in the eyes of the nations. (3) He remembered his mercy and his loyalty to the house of Yisrael. All the ends of the earth have seen the help of our G-d. (4) Shout joyfully to the L-rd, all the earth, open your mouths and rejoice and sing! (5) Sing to the LORD in the kinnor, in the kinnora, and with the voice of the songs! (6) With the voice of the trumpets and the shofar, sound the trumpet before the LORD King. (7) The sea and all that fill it will roar, the universe and all that dwell in it. 8 The rivers will applaud, and the mountains will rejoice at once. (9) Before the Lord, for he has come to judge the earth. He will judge the world with justice, and the nations with righteousness.

(1) Г-сподь царствует! Трепещут народы. Восседает Он над керувами. (2) Колеблется земля. Г-сподь в Цийоне велик, и возвышен Он над всеми народами. (3) Славить будут имя Твое великое и страшное – свят Он! (4) И могущество царя (в) любви его к правосудию. Ты утвердил правоту, правосудие и справедливость в Йаакове Ты явил. (5) Превозносите Г-спода Б-га нашего и поклоняйтесь подножию Его – свят Он! (6) Мошэ и Аарон – священники Его, а Шемуэйль – среди призывающих имя Его; призывали они Г-спода, и Он ответил им. (7) В столпе облачном говорил Он к ним, соблюдали они заповеди Его и закон, (который) Он дал им. Г-сподь Б-г наш, (8) Ты ответил им. Б-гом прощающим был Ты для них и мстящим за деяния их. (9) Превозносите Г-спода Б-га нашего и поклоняйтесь горе святой Его, ибо свят Г-сподь Б-г наш.


(1) Псалом благодарственный. Радостно восклицайте Господу – вся земля! (2) Служите Г-споду в радости, предстаньте пред Ним с пением. (3) Узнайте, что Господь – это Б-г, Он сотворил нас, и мы – Его, народ Его и паства Его. (4) Придите во врата Его с благодарностью, во дворы Его – с хвалой, благодарите Его, благословите имя Его, (5) Ибо добр Г-сподь, вечна милость Его и навеки верность Его.