Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse

(1) To the leader [of the musicians]. On the neginot, the song of Asaph. (2) The Almighty will be known in Judah, and His name will be great in Israel: (3) His booth will be in Shalem,178 and His abode will be in Zion. (4) There he will crush the lightning arrows of the bow, the shield, the sword, and the war, forever. (5) Thou art brighter, mightier than the ravenous mountains. 6 The valiant in heart were dumbfounded, and fell asleep in their sleep, and all the men of war did not find their hands. (7) At Thy cry, O Almighty [God] of Jacob, chariots and horses fell asleep.179 (8) You are terrible, who can stand before you in the moments of your wrath? (9) From heaven you have proclaimed judgment; the earth was afraid, and was quiet, (10) when the Almighty rose up in judgment to save all the humble of the earth. (11) For the wrath of men will be turned into thanksgiving to you, [and] the remnant of wrath you will tame.180 (12) Make and make vows to God your Almighty; (13) He tames the spirit of princes, he is terrible to the kings of the earth.


(1) To the leader [of the musicians] for Yedutun, the song of Asaph. (2) My voice is to the Almighty, I will cry out; my voice to the Almighty, hearken unto me! (3) In the day of my affliction I seek the Lord. My wound expires at night and does not go away; My soul refuses consolation. (4) I remember the Almighty and thirst; I converse – my spirit is exhausted. (5) Thou hast held my eyelids[181]; I'm shocked and I can't speak. (6) I meditate on the days of old, on the years of ages past. (7) I remember my singing in the night, I converse with my heart, and my spirit seeks an answer: (8) Has the Lord rejected me forever, and will he no longer be pleased with me? (9) Has his mercy ceased forever, and is his speech finished for generations? (10) Has the Almighty forgotten to have mercy, has he shut up his mercy in anger? (11) I said, "This is my fear, the change of the right hand of the Most High." (12) I will remember the deeds of God when I remember your wondrous deeds of old. (13) I will meditate on all your works, I will speak of your creations. (14) Almighty! Holy is Thy way. Who is the Almighty [God] great as the Almighty! (15) You, the Almighty, do wondrous deeds; Thou hast manifested Thy power among the nations. (16) With your arm you have delivered your people, the sons of Yaakov and Yosef[183] forever[184]. (17) The waters have seen you, O Almighty, the waters have seen you, they have trembled, and the depths have also been troubled. (18) Clouds poured out waters, the heavens gave out thunder, and your lightnings dispersed. (19) The voice of Thy thunder in the wheel,186 lightning illuminated the universe, and the earth shook and roared. (20) Your way is in the sea, your way is in great waters, but your tracks are unknown. (21) You led your people like sheep by the hand of Moses and Aharon.


(1) Asaph's prudent [instruction]. Hearken, my people, to my instruction, incline your ear to the words of my mouth. (2) I will open my mouth in a parable, I will speak in riddles from ancient times. (3) What we have heard, and know that our fathers have told us, (4) we will not hide from their children, from the generation to come, when we tell of the glory of God, of his might, of his wondrous works which he has done. (5) He set up testimonies in Yaakov, the Law in Israel, which commanded our fathers to tell their children. (6) That the generations to come, the sons who will be born, may know, that they may in turn tell their children. (7) That they may put their hope in the Almighty, that they may not forget the deeds of the Almighty, and that they may keep his commandments. (8) So that they may not be like their fathers, an unfaithful and rebellious generation, a generation that has not set its heart and has remained unfaithful to the Almighty in spirit. 9 The sons of Ephraim,187 armed and archers, took to flight on the day of the battle. (10) They did not keep their covenant with the Almighty, and refused to follow His law. (11) They have forgotten his deeds and the miracles he has shown them. (12) In the eyes of their fathers he showed miracles in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan. (13) He cut the sea and led them apart, and set the waters into a hill. (14) By day he led them in a cloud, and all night long in the light of fire. (15) He cut the rocks in the wilderness and gave them to drink as if they were from a great abyss. (16) Out of the rock he brought forth streams, and the waters flowed like a river. (17) But they continued to sin against him, to rebuke the Most High in the wilderness. (18) They tempted the Almighty in their hearts, demanding the food that their souls craved. (19) They spoke against the Almighty, saying, "Will the Almighty be able to set the table in the wilderness? (20) Behold, he struck the rock, and the waters flowed, and the rivers flowed. Will He also be able to give bread and meat to prepare for His people?" (21) So God heard and was inflamed with wrath, a fire was kindled in Yaakov, and wrath fell upon Israel. (22) Because they did not believe in the Almighty, and did not rely on Him to send salvation. (23) He commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven. (24) He poured rain on them to eat, and he gave them the bread of heaven. (25) Man ate the bread of the angels, and he sent them food to their heart's content. (26) The east wind moved across the sky, and he led the south wind in his might. (27) As if they were dust, he showered them with flesh, as with the sand of the sea with feathered birds. (28) He cast them down in the midst of their camp, around their dwellings. (29) As they ate and were satiated, he satisfied their lust. (30) Their whim had not yet passed, and food was still in their mouths, (31) when the wrath of the Almighty fell upon them, killed the fat among them, and deposed the elect of Israel. (32) And yet they continued to sin, not believing in his miracles. (33) And he has ruined their days in vanity, and their years in confusion. (34) If (when) He had executed them, they would have inquired of Him, they would have turned to seek the Almighty, (35) and would have remembered that the Almighty is their stronghold, that the Almighty is their deliverer! (36) But they persuaded him with their lips, but with their tongues they lied before him. (37) But their hearts were not attuned to Him, nor were they faithful to their union with Him. (38) But He, the merciful, forgives sin and does not destroy, but repeatedly turns away His wrath and does not provoke all His wrath. (39) He remembered that they were flesh, a spirit that goes away and does not return. (40) How many times have they rebuked Him in the wilderness, angered Him in an uninhabited country! (41) And again they tried the Almighty, and they sought a sign from the holy [God] of Israel. (42) They did not remember his hands, the day when he delivered them from the oppressor. (43) When he did his signs in Egypt, his wonders in the field of Zoan. (44) When He turned their rivers into blood, their streams, so that they could not drink (the water) from them. (45) He sent upon them a mixture of (wild beasts) that devoured them, and frogs that destroyed them. (46) He gave the caterpillars their harvest, and their labor to the locusts. (47) He smote their grapes with hail, and the sycamores with ice-stones. (48) He gave their cattle over to the city, and their flocks to the flames. (49) He sent upon them the flame of his wrath, indignation, wrath, and calamity, the embassy of the angels of evil. (50) He has paved the way for his wrath, he has not preserved their souls from death, he has given up their animals to the plague. (51) He put to death every firstborn in Egypt, and the firstfruits of his strength in the tents of Ham.189 (52) He led his people like sheep, leading them like a flock in the wilderness. [53] He led them in safety, and they were not afraid, but the sea covered their enemies. (54) He led them into his holy country, to this mountain, which his right hand had gained. (55) He drove out from before them the nations whose land he had divided for their inheritance, and he settled the tribes of Israel in their tents. (56) But they tried and did not obey the Almighty (God) the Most High, and they did not keep His testimonies. (57) They turned away, they betrayed like their fathers, they turned back like a false bow,190 (58) They angered Him with their temples, and with their idols they stirred up His jealousy. (59) When the Almighty heard this, he was inflamed with anger and became very angry with Israel. (60) He rejected the monastery at Shiloh, the tent in which he dwelt among men. (61) He gave His fortress and His splendor into the hands of the enemy[191]. (62) He put his people to the sword, he was angry with his inheritance, (63) his young men were consumed by fire, his maidens were not sung wedding songs,192 (64) his priests fell by the sword, and his widows did not weep.[193] (65) But the Lord awoke as if from a dream, like a giant awakened from wine. (66) He smote his enemies in the rear, and delivered them over to eternal shame. (67) He rejected the tent of Joseph, and did not choose the tribe of Ephraim. (68) But he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loved. (69) And He built His sanctuary like the heavens, like the earth, and established it forever. (70) He chose David his servant, took him from the sheepfolds, (71) and brought him from the milling sheep and goats to feed Jacob, his people, Israel, his inheritance. (72) And he shepherded them in the purity of his heart, leading them with wise hands.


(1) The Song of Asaph. Almighty! The Gentiles have entered into Thy inheritance, they have defiled Thy holy temple, they have turned Jerusalem into ruins! (2) The carcasses of Thy servants have been given to the birds of the air, the bodies of Thy righteous to the beasts of the earth. (3) They have shed their blood like water around Jerusalem, and there is no one to bury them. (4) We have become a laughing stock among our neighbors, a reproach and a reproach to those around us. (5) How long, O God, will you be angry unceasingly, your jealousy will burn like fire? (6) Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not know you, and on the nations that do not call on your name. (7) For they devoured Jacob and laid waste his monastery. (8) Do not remind us of our former sins, but may your mercy meet us quickly, for we are very exhausted. (9) Help us, O Almighty God of our salvation, for the glory of your name, deliver us and forgive us our sins for your name's sake. (10) Why do the nations say, "Where is their Almighty?" Let it be known among the nations, before our eyes, the vengeance for the shed blood of Thy servants. (11) Let the groaning of the prisoner come before you, and by the majesty of your arm set free those who are doomed to death. (12) And return to our neighbors seven times the insults with which they have insulted you, O Lord. (13) And we, your people, your flock, will thank you forever, and from generation to generation we will tell of your glory.


(1) To the leader [of the musicians]. On shoshanim. Testimony[194] of Asaph, Song. (2) Shepherd of Israel, hearken! Yosefa, who is leading like sheep, who has placed [His Shechina between] the kruvim [that is on the Ark of the Covenant], manifest Himself! (3) For the sake of Ephraim, Benjamin, and Menashe, awaken your power and come to our salvation. (4) Almighty, bring us back, let your countenance shine and we will be saved! (5) Lord, Almighty [God] of armies! How long will Thou be indignant at the prayer of Thy people? (6) You have fed them with bread of tears, you have given them to drink tears to a great extent, (7) You have given us over to reproach our neighbors, our enemies mock us. (8) Almighty [God] of hosts, bring us back, let your countenance shine and we will be saved! (9) Thou hast brought the vine out of Egypt, and thou hast driven out the nations, and thou hast planted it. (10) He cleared a place for it and established its roots, and it filled the earth. (11) The mountains are covered with its shadow, and its branches are like mighty cedars. (12) She put out her branches to the sea, and her shoots to the river. (13) Why have you broken down her fences? Everyone passing by breaks it off. (14) The wild boar of the forest undermines it, the beast of the field devours it. (15) Almighty [God] of armies, turn and look down from heaven and see and watch over this vine (16) and the sapling that your right hand has planted, and the son whom you have secured for yourself. (17) She was burned in the fire, circumcised. At the cry of Thy wrath they perish. (18) May your hand be over the man who has been saved by your right hand, over the son of man whom you have secured for yourself. (19) And we will not depart from you; revive us, and we will call upon Thy name. (20) Lord, Almighty of hosts, bring us back, let your countenance shine and we will be saved.